(A)   Review of site plans. All multi-family uses permitted under § 153.083 shall be permitted only after the review and approval of the site plans by the Village Planning Commission and upon the finding by the Village Planning Commission that:
      (1)   The site plan shows that a proper relationship does exist between the thoroughfares, service roads, driveways and parking areas to encourage pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety;
      (2)   All the development features including the principal buildings, open spaces, service roads, driveways and parking areas are so located and related as to minimize the possibility of any adverse effects upon any adjacent development;
      (3)   The site plan includes adequate provision for the screening of parking areas, service areas and active recreation areas for the surrounding properties by landscaping and/or ornamental wall or fence;
      (4)   Grading and surface drainage provisions are reviewed and approved by a certified professional engineer designated as the Village Engineer;
      (5)   The design and construction standards of all private streets, driveways and parking areas are to built following the approval of plans by the Village Engineer according to the construction standards specified in the Village Subdivision Regulations. The proposed development shall conform to all applicable provisions of the Village Subdivision Regulations;
      (6)   Maximum possible privacy for each apartment shall be provided through good design and use of proper building materials and landscaping. Visual privacy should be provided through structural screening and landscaping treatment. Auditory privacy should be provided through soundproofing;
      (7)   The architectural design of apartment buildings should be developed with consideration given to the relationship of adjacent development in terms of building height, mass, texture, line and pattern and character;
      (8)   Building location and placement should be developed with consideration given to minimizing removal of trees and change of topography;
      (9)   Television antenna shall be centralized;
      (10)   On-site circulation shall be designed to make adequate fire and police protection possible;
      (11)   In parking areas, visual relief shall be provided through the use of trees planted and landscaped dividers, islands and walkways. No parking or service areas shall be permitted between streets and the main building; and
      (12)   Paved off-street parking and service areas shall be required; parking spaces shall contain at least 200 square feet, and shall be provided at the rate of two spaces per dwelling unit in each apartment building; and paved vehicular access drives of at least ten feet in width shall be required for parking areas of ten vehicles or less capacity, and two-way access drives of at least 20 feet in paving width shall be required for parking areas of 11 or more vehicle capacity.
   (B)   Conformance with site plan.
      (1)   The use, placement and dimensions of all buildings, driveways, sidewalks, parking areas, curb cuts and recreation areas, and the installation of landscaping, fences and walls shall conform to the approved site plan.
      (2)   A performance bond or other financial guarantee of 100% shall be placed with the Village Clerk-Treasurer to insure that the landscaping is installed, that the hard-surfacing of the private drives and parking areas are installed, and that the surface water drainage system is installed, all with the site plans the Village Planning Commission.
(Ord. 30-1974, § 404.6, passed 7-15-1974)