(A)   (1)   Application for registrations or permits shall be made to the town’s animal control agency on such forms providing such information as is required for the particular permit and shall include the name, address and phone number of the applicant, type of permit applied for, number and description of the animal(s), proof of valid rabies vaccination, when required by law, information regarding sterilization and the appropriate fee. Appropriate state and federal permit numbers must be provided in cases which involve wildlife or federally protected animals or any animal which requires any state or federal permit.
      (2)   All applicants must be in compliance with all other applicable state, local and federal laws germane to this chapter, and the applicant shall not have been convicted of any cruelty to animal offenses as set forth in the state statutes.
      (3)   Applicants for permits must agree in writing to on-site inspections by the town’s animal control agency prior to the issuance of any permit, or at any time during the valid term of such permit upon reasonable advance notice.
   (B)   The town’s animal control agency shall have the authority and discretion for the issuance or denial of all of the registrations and permits provided for herein, subject to the following criteria.
      (1)   No person shall be issued a registration or permit if they have been convicted of cruelty to animals.
      (2)   Applicants must have proper facilities in place for such species before registrations or permits shall be approved.
      (3)   Applicants shall exhibit sufficient knowledge and proof of previous experience in the handling and keeping of such species of animal.
      (4)   Applicants shall have no previous record of providing inadequate or improper care for animals.
   (C)   Registrations and permits are to be issued for a term of one year, effective January 1 through December 31 of each year, and may be purchased during the first three months of each calendar year or within 30 days of acquiring the animal, whichever comes later, except for the animal performance/exhibition permit, which shall be valid for 14 days.
   (D)   Upon approval of the application for pet registrations or permits, the town’s animal control agency shall issue a pet registration or permit in written form which includes the number of the registration or permit, type of registration or permit and all pertinent information. In addition, for each pet registration, the town’s animal control agency shall issue a durable tag stamped with the registration number and year of issuance for each said registration.
   (E)   The town’s animal control agency shall maintain records of the identifying registration, permit, license or tag for any animal when the agency determines the identifying registration, permit, license or tag was issued to another animal.
   (F)   All fees shall be paid at the time of application and prior to the issuance of the permit or registration.
   (G)   No person may use any registration permit, license or tag for any animal other than the animal for which it was issued.
   (H)   It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, to cause to be manufactured, or to have in his or her possession or control a stolen, counterfeit or forged animal registration, permit, license or tag, rabies or neutering certificate or other form of licensing or documentation required by this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 71.26) (Ord. 10-92, passed 11-9-1992) Penalty, see § 91.999