(A)   No person or entity shall operate or maintain for profit an animal performance or exhibition without first having obtained a permit from the town’s animal control agency.
   (B)   The application for such permit shall describe the proposed location, the purposes for which it is maintained and the dates and hours of such performances or exhibitions. The application must be accompanied by the written approval of the Department of Code Enforcement showing compliance with the local and state regulations governing the location of and sanitation at the establishment, the written approval of the town’s Building Department official showing compliance with the local regulations concerning building, zoning and public health and safety regulations, and compliance with local, state and federal laws regulating the humane care and treatment of such animals.
   (C)   The applicant shall provide proof of insurance executed by a company legally authorized to do business in this state in limits of liability not less than the amounts set forth in I.C. 34-13-3-4, as such statute may be amended from time to time.
   (D)   Such permit shall not be transferable.
   (E)   Any permit issued under the provisions of this section may be revoked by the town’s Department of Code Enforcement or Building Commissioner after reasonable notice or hearing for violation of any local, county or state law regulating such performance or exhibition.
(Prior Code, § 71.24) (Ord. 10-92, passed 11-9-1992) Penalty, see § 91.999
   Related form, see Ch. 91, Appx. E