(A)   (1)   No person shall keep any of the following named domestic animals or fowl in the town:
         (a)   Cows, oxen, cattle, calves or other livestock;
         (b)   Donkeys, asses, burros or mules;
         (c)   Sheep;
         (d)   Goats;
         (e)   Chickens, roosters, geese, turkeys, ducks or other fowl, except racing or homing pigeons; and
         (f)   Horses.
      (2)   Provided, however, that an owner of such animals legally located within the town shall have 60 days from the enactment of this chapter to provide the Clerk-Treasurer’s office with a list of such animals (including their names, sex, approximate ages and general description), and such owners may retain those animals for their natural life but may not replace them.
   (B)   (1)   A person shall be permitted to maintain not more than two colonies of domestic honeybees, provided that said hives:
         (a)   Are placed not less than ten feet away from the property lines in all directions;
         (b)   Are housed in a stable, appropriate apiary; and
         (c)   Are enclosed by a fence not less than four feet high.
      (2)   Nothing in this section shall be deemed or construed to prohibit the keeping of bees in a hive, stand or box located or kept within a zoological park, school or university building for the purpose of study or observation as long as the public safety in ensured.
   (C)   Any person desiring to raise rabbits or pets or racing or homing pigeons within the town must keep such animals and birds in safe and sanitary conditions so that a public nuisance as defined herein is not created.
   (D)   No person may keep within the town, as presently or hereinafter established, any swine or pig pens or hog sties, which are hereby declared to be a nuisance in the town.
(Prior Code, § 71.09) (Ord. 10-92, passed 11-9-1992; Ord. 9-2015, passed 10-26-2015) Penalty, see § 91.999