   20.420.010   Findings
   20.420.020   Form of decision
   20.420.030   Vote required
   20.420.040   Time limits
   20.420.050   Notice of decision
§ 20.420.010 FINDINGS.
   A.   For each discretionary decision under a procedure prescribed by this title, whether made by the City Council, Planning Commission or Director, written findings shall be adopted pertinent to the applicable criteria of state law and this title based upon the investigation, hearings, and record of the case.
   B.   When decisions under more than one (1) type of zoning procedure are being made concurrently with respect to the same subject property or subject matter, the findings and decision for each such procedure shall be separately identified.
§ 20.420.020 FORM OF DECISION.
   Except as otherwise required:
   A.   Decisions of the City Council and Planning Commission shall be made by resolution;
   B.   Decisions of the Director shall be in writing and signed by that official or an authorized deputy.
§ 20.420.030 VOTE REQUIRED.
   Except as otherwise required by law, actions on zoning matters by the City Council or Planning Commission shall require the concurring vote of a majority of the members present, with a quorum present.
§ 20.420.040 TIME LIMITS.
   A.   On a zoning matter to be decided by the Director, such decision shall be made within forty (40) days after acceptance of the application or other initiation of the matter. An extension of this time limit may be made only with the consent of the applicant or body initiating the matter.
   B.   On a zoning matter initiated by application, the Planning Commission shall make its recommendation or decision within forty (40) days after opening its first hearing on the matter or, if no hearing is held, within forty (40) days after acceptance of the application. The Planning Commission may extend the time limit prescribed for its action only with the consent of the applicant and only to the extent such extension is not in conflict with other laws.
   C.   On a zoning matter initiated by the Planning Commission, the Commission shall act within one hundred eighty (180) days of such initiation, or such other period as may be requested by the City Council.
   D.   On a zoning matter initiated by the City Council and referred to the Planning Commission, and on any matter referred back to the Commission by the City Council after previous consideration by the Commission, the Commission shall act within forty (40) days after referral, or such longer period as may be set by the City Council. (See: Cal. Gov't Code §§ 65853 and 65857.)
   E.   For any zoning matter initiated by the City Council, the Council shall act within one hundred eighty (180) days of such initiation unless extended by the Council for good cause. For any other zoning matter presented to the City Council, the Council shall act within forty (40) days after opening its first hearing on the matter; or, if no hearing is held on the matter, within forty (40) days after the Council receives the matter; or, if referred back to the Planning Commission, within forty (40) days after receipt of the Commission's report or within forty (40) days after expiration of the Commission's time limit for such report. The Council may extend the period for its action for good cause shown.
§ 20.420.050 NOTICE OF DECISION.
   A.   For each decision on a zoning matter, within five (5) days after such decision is made, notice of the decision shall be sent by first class mail or delivered by a city employee to the applicant or other person initially requesting consideration of the matter and to any other person who has filed a written request for such notice with the officer responsible for giving such notice.
   B.   Responsibility for giving notice of decisions shall be as follows:
      1.   The Director shall given notice of his or her decisions.
      2.   The Planning Commission secretary shall give notice of Planning Commission decisions.
      3.   The City Clerk shall give notice of City Council decisions.
   C.   Upon the final approval of a zone change, conditional use permit, or variance, the responsible officer as identified above shall, within thirty (30) days, and on behalf of the City Council, notify the County Assessor of the action. (See: Cal. Gov't Code § 65863.5)