A.   Applicability. The repair and maintenance of existing perimeter wood fencing shall be allowed. Said repair/maintenance activities shall be limited to a maximum of fifty percent (50%) of the lineal yard dimension of the fencing along the arterial highway frontage within a consecutive twelve (12)-month period. Replacement of existing wood perimeter fencing exceeding this limitation shall comply with the design criteria in § 20.262.040.
   B.   Procedure. Construction of a perimeter wall in a WD Wall Design Overlay Zone shall require the issuance of a building permit, subject to the review and approval of the City Planner, the City Engineer, and the Building and Safety Manager or their designees. The application for a perimeter wall construction permit in the WD Wall Design Overlay Zone shall include:
      1.   A scaled plot plan of the subject property illustrating proposed location of perimeter wall at rear or side of property along the public street.
      2.   Elevation drawing of the proposed wall as seen from the public street. The elevation sketch must include label for wall height, slumpstone block material, cap treatment, and pilaster treatment.
      3.   Cross-section of the proposed wall, showing wall height, grade of sidewalk on street side of the wall, grade of private property inside wall, labeling of the wall setback from property line/back of sidewalk, and the wall cap treatment. A plan view detail of the wall and pilaster treatment shall also be provided.
      4.   Sufficient notes on the application materials to denote the slumpstone block wall material, color, and size of slumpstone block materials for the wall, pilaster treatment and cap treatment. Said materials, designs and color shall be consistent with the provisions of § 20.262.040.
      5.   Such structural information for the proposed wall as deemed necessary by the Building and Safety Manager.
(Ord. 1104, passed 6-19-07)