A.   Purpose and intent. The purpose of establishing architectural design standards in the Hillside Residential zone is to ensure quality development that blends with the hillside environment, and to create neighborhoods that display a cohesive and harmonious form and complementary architectural styles. To achieve hillside compatible development, the city recognizes the importance of having architectural design that incorporates rooflines and other building elements which reflect the naturally occurring ridgeline silhouettes and topographical variation.
   B.   Conformance with project design manual. The applicant shall demonstrate how the architectural criteria of this section are met in the design guideline manual required by § 20.206.050.
   C.   Architectural themes.
      1.   For subdivisions consisting of production-style development, whereby dwelling units are constructed by a single developer utilizing a limited number of floor plans and building architectural styles, the architectural styles throughout the development shall be thematically consistent with one another. Varying floor plans, colors, materials, and building forms shall be utilized such that within a single development project, a minimum of nine (9) different elevations are available. However, where attached units are provided, a more unified architectural scheme is permitted.
      2.   For custom lot developments consisting of a subdivision of more than one (1) lot, the requirement for a design guideline manual, as set forth in § 20.206.050, shall apply.
      3.   For a development consisting of one (1) custom home on an existing lot, such homes shall comply with the requirements of § 20.206.190.
   D.   Required treatments.
      1.   Architectural treatments on all exterior walls of any building shall be designed to avoid a monotonous or continuous facade of the exterior wall. Under no circumstance shall the front and rear facade of any building be in one (1) continuous vertical or horizontal plane. Architectural features and details shall be located on all exterior walls of the building, including the rear and sides of the building. Buildings shall utilize wall articulation (i.e., insets, pop-outs, etc.) and roof orientation as a means to prevent massing.
      2.   The apparent size of exterior wall surfaces visible from off the site shall be minimized through the use of single-story elements, building face set backs, overhangs, landscaping, and/or other means of horizontal and vertical articulation to create changing shadow lines and to break up massive forms.
Figure 20.206.150.D
Building facades shall be articulated and create visual interest.
   E.   Finish materials/color. Building materials and colors shall be compatible with the natural setting. Exterior colors shall be limited to earth tones found in nearby natural vegetation and/or soil, or come from natural sources (e.g., rock, stone, wood), or resemble a natural appearance.
   F.   Support structures.
      1.   Support structures (for example, columns, pilings, etc.) below the lowest floor on the downhill side of a house, if and where permitted as part of the hillside development permit review process, shall be enclosed unless visible structural members are an integral feature of the architectural design.
      2.   A support structure wall surface shall not exceed six (6) feet in height.
Figure 20.206.150.F
Support structures of minimal height can help ensure that structures closely follow the hillside terrain and therefore reduce its visual impact. Hillside adaptive structures can be designed and constructed to look like they are nestled into the hillside.
   G.   Fencing and privacy walls.
      1.   All fences and privacy walls adjacent to or visible from public roads or major public spaces shall be of decorative masonry or other approved materials which have a natural appearance (e.g. masonry walls, pre-fabricated modular concrete) and shall be a color that blends with the surrounding environment and complements the landscaping. The use of indigenous rock and colors or materials shall be preferred. The applicant shall present illustrations and descriptions of fencing and wall materials in the design guideline manual required by § 20.206.050.
      2.   Any fence or privacy wall adjacent to a public road or major public space shall be placed at the top of a slope.
      3.   All fences and privacy walls, whether or not visible from a public road or major public open space, shall be limited in height to seven (7) feet, as measured from the grade on which the bottom of the fence or wall is placed to the uppermost extent of such fence or wall.
      4.   Solid fences and walls in a required front yard area shall not exceed a height of thirty (30) inches.
      5.   Open work fences, whereby the fence is ninety percent (90%) open or more, shall not exceed a height of fifty-four (54) inches.
      6.   The provisions of § 20.08.060 regarding corner cut-off areas shall apply.
      7.   A minimum setback distance of twenty (20) feet shall be provided between any fence or privacy wall adjacent to a public right-of-way, with the distance measured from the fence or privacy wall to the face of curb.
Figure 20.206.150.G.7
A minimum twenty (20) feet setback ensures room for landscaping while being a buffer between street traffic and private yards.
(Ord. 1079, passed 11-2-04)