The following information, maps, and other specified data shall be submitted concurrently with all required application forms and fees.
   A.   A topographical map, at a scale specified in development applications, which shall identify all existing slope banks, ridgelines, canyons, natural drainage courses, federally recognized blue-line stream or waters of the United States, rock outcroppings, and existing vegetation. The vegetation map shall indicate whether the plant communities or habitat are native (e.g. southern mixed chaparral) or exotic (e.g. palm trees). Also depicted shall be known landslides and other existing geologic conditions.
   B.   A conceptual grading plan, which shall include the following items in addition to those required by the Municipal Code:
      1.   Top of walls;
      2.   Top of curbs;
      3.   High point and low point elevations;
      4.   Elevation of significant trees, which are defined to be trees with a greater than six (6)-inch trunk diameter measured at four (4) feet above grade;
      5.   Spot elevations, where appropriate;
      6.   Pad and/or finished floor elevations;
      7.   Change in direction of drainage;
      8.   A separate map with proposed fill areas colored green and cut areas colored red, with depths of such areas clearly shown in five (5)-foot topographic lines. Quantities of each cut and fill area shall also be clearly marked;
      9.   Areas of cut and fill, calculated as a percentage of the total site area;
      10.   Contours for existing and proposed topography. Existing contours shall be depicted with a dashed line with every fifth contour darker, and proposed contours shall be depicted as above except with a solid line. Contours shall be shown at minimum intervals of five (5) feet of change in elevation, with two (2)-foot contours shown in the flatter areas;
      11.   Road grades, indicating both average and maximum;
      12.   Lot and pad dimensions, along with a statistical summary;
      13.   Design of roads and driveways, including average grades indicated, as well as areas of the steepest grade;
      14.   Lot drainage, including the gradient of the drainage and flow velocities; and
      15.   Proposed graded pad areas for each development lot proposed, with pad dimensions and slope indicated.
   C.   A cut and fill map identifying proposed fill areas colored blue and cut areas colored red, with depths of such areas clearly shown in ten (10)-foot contour lines. Quantities of each cut and fill area shall also be clearly specified on the map.
   D.   A series of existing conditions and constraints composite maps that, respectively, describe in detail the information described below. Such maps shall be included as part of any technical report required pursuant to paragraph H. of this section.
      1.   Geotechnical and soils conditions, including known faults and landslides.
      2.   Archaeological and paleontological resources, and documented or potential historic resources.
      3.   Recorded easements and title report planning constraints, including but not limited to abandoned wells and pipelines.
      4.   Active and abandoned oil and gas production and processing facilities including, but not limited to wells, pipelines, staging areas, and processing equipment. The map shall include clear symbols indicating which facilities will be retained and which will be abandoned.
      5.   Areas of known or suspected oil field contamination and associated oil remediation plans.
      6.   Prominent ridgelines and required ridgeline setback zones, consistent with information on the city’s official Prominent Ridgeline Map.
      7.   Biological resource map showing all of the existing plant communities, with sensitive or protected species or communities clearly delineated, as well as known habitat area for protected animal species including the location of sensitive biological resources.
      8.   Map identifying significant trees, which, for the purposes of this map, are defined to be trees with a caliper greater than six (6) inches when measured four (4) feet above grade.
      9.   One hundred (100)-year floodplain areas, U.S.G.S. blueline streams, and jurisdictional wetlands.
      10.   Slope areas thirty percent (30%) or greater which are at least one (1) acre in size and have a minimum dimension of fifty (50) feet in any direction.
   E.   The following property slope information:
      1.   A detailed slope analysis map for the purposes of determining the amount and location of land as it exists in its natural state and for calculating the average slope. For the slope analysis map, the applicant shall use a base topographical map of the subject site, prepared and signed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor. The map shall have a scale of not less than one (1) inch to one hundred (100) feet and a contour interval of not more than ten (10) feet with two (2)-foot intermediates. This interval may be adjusted with the approval of the Director of Community Development and City Engineer on the basis of good engineering principles. This base topographical map shall include all adjoining properties within one hundred fifty (150) linear feet of the site boundaries to portray the site's context. The slope map shall delineate slope bands, with contrasting colors, for the following slope ranges:
         a.   Up to 10%;
         b.   10.1% to 20%;
         c.   20.1% to 25%;
         d.   25.1% to 30%;
         e.   Greater than 30%.
      2.   Also included shall be a tabulation of the land/area by slope percentage specified in acres consistent with the slope categories identified in subparagraph E.1. above. Such slope map shall be prepared using CAD-based or GIS-based software specifically designed for such purpose and approved for such use by the City Engineer.
      3.   A calculation of the average slope of the entire parcel. Such calculation shall be performed by using the average percent slope formula as follows:
S = (0.00229 I L)/A
Where S = Average percent slope
I = Contour interval, in feet
L = Summation of length of contours, in feet
A = Area in acres of parcel being considered
      4.   Calculations of average slope percent shall be based upon accurate topographic surveys using a contour interval no greater than ten (10) feet and a horizontal map scale of one (1) inch to two hundred (200) feet or larger.
      5.   The slope analysis shall be stamped and signed by a registered or licensed professional competent to provide such analysis and indicating the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope analysis, and attesting to the fact that the slope analysis has been accurately calculated.
   F.   In the event that no grading is proposed, a statement to that effect shall be filed with a plan which shows possible future house plotting and driveway design for each parcel proposed, to be prepared on a topographic map drawn at the same scale as the conceptual grading plan.
   G.   Sufficient number of slope sections to clearly illustrate the extent of the proposed grading. The slope profiles shall:
      1.   All be drawn at the same scale and indexed, or keyed, to the existing topography, grading plan, and project site map. Both vertical and horizontal scales shall be indicated and not exaggerated. The slope section shall extend at least one hundred fifty (150) feet outside the project site boundary to clearly show impact on adjacent property.
      2.   At a minimum, sections shall be drawn along those locations of the project site where:
         a.   The greatest alteration of existing topography is proposed;
         b.   The most intense or massive development is proposed;
         c.   The site is most visible from surrounding land uses;
         d.   At all site boundaries illustrating maximum and minimum conditions; and
         e.   Where grading will impact natural drainage conditions.
      3.   At least two (2) of the slope profiles shall be roughly parallel to each other and roughly perpendicular to existing contour lines. At least one (1) other slope profile shall be roughly at a forty-five (45) degree angle to the other slope profiles and existing contour lines.
      4.   The slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by a civil engineer or landscape architect registered in the State of California indicating the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope profiles have been accurately calculated and identified.
      5.   Show existing and proposed topography, structures, and infrastructure facilities. Proposed topography, structures, and infrastructures shall be drawn with a dashed line. Existing topography and features shall be drawn with a thin, solid line.
      6.   The slope profiles shall be stamped and signed by a registered civil engineer indicating the datum, source, and scale of topographic data used in the slope profiles, and attesting to the fact that the slope profiles have been accurately calculated and identified.
   H.   The following technical reports:
      1.   A geologic and soils report prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer and in sufficient detail to substantiate and support the design concepts presented in the application as submitted.
      2.   Phase I (records search) and any and all Phase II (physical investigation of soils) environmental assessments identifying any hazards present on the property.
      3.   A biological resource survey report identifying all existing plant communities, with sensitive or protected species or communities clearly delineated, as well as known habitat area for protected animal species, including the location of sensitive biological resources. All sensitive species surveys shall be conducted in accordance with any applicable protocols established by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency and the California Department of Fish and Game. The report shall be signed by the person preparing such report, with the signature intended to verify that the mandatory protocols were conformed to in the analysis.
   I.   A comprehensive architectural and landscaping design guideline manual. Such manual shall be required for all hillside development permit applications except those involving the construction of one (1) single-family dwelling unit on an existing lot, in which case paragraph J. shall apply. Such manual shall be approved as part of the applicable hillside development permit and shall be binding upon all subsequent development authorized by that applicable hillside development permit. The manual shall include the following, but the applicant/landowner may include additional information at his or her discretion.
      1.   Illustrative, color drawings or similar representations of the various architectural styles to be used with text and visual descriptions on the overall architectural theme of the project.
      2.   A neighborhood design diagram depicting the locations of proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation, utility easements, developable pad, property lines, perimeter setbacks, parks, and recreation centers.
      3.   A description of all housing types to be built which reference the location of defined parcels within the property, diagrams of how the product orients to the flat pad with setbacks, and an illustrative street scene perspective of the product.
      4.   Identification of building articulation in the following locations (but not limited to): front massing and entry scale, garage placement, architectural projections, rear articulation, and corner lots.
      5.   Identification of exterior building materials (structure and trim), roofing materials, and colors for primary structures.
      6.   Illustrations and descriptions of permitted fencing and wall materials.
      7.   Illustrations and descriptions of permitted signage and entry treatments.
      8.   Description and illustrative drawings or similar representations of how the architecture and building approaches established in the manual implement the architectural standards set forth in § 20.206.140.
      9.   Identification of landscaping approaches and plant palettes for all common open space areas, roadway medians, edge and berm treatments, common slopes, and private front yard areas.
      10.   Description of how the landscaping approaches and plant palettes established in the manual implement the landscape standards set forth in § 20.206.160.
   J.   For applications involving one single-family dwelling unit residence on an existing lot, architectural and landscaping treatment materials shall be provided consistent with the requirements for a certificate of compatibility, as set forth in § 20.408.050. Accessory dwelling units shall be subject to the regulations contained in Chapter 20.52 of this title, and state law.
   K.   The following items shall also be required as part of an application, unless waived or conditionally waived by the Director of Community Development or the Planning Commission, to aid in the analysis of the proposed project to illustrate existing or proposed conditions or both:
      1.   A topographic model and/or large scale detailed partial model at a one to one (1:1) scale.
      2.   Visual simulation of the post-development condition, including use of photographic and/or computer-generated graphic renderings as described in paragraph N. below.
   L.   Preliminary landscape and irrigation plans for all common areas showing project compliance with the provisions of this chapter and requirements of the Fire Chief for fire hazard mitigation and brush management zones in Chapter 16.04.
   M.   Any pre-application comments received from other affected government agencies having authority over any component of the development application, including but not limited to the State Department of Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas; California Department of Fish and Game; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
   N.   Visual three (3)-dimensional simulation of the post-development condition, prepared in accordance with the provisions set forth in this paragraph. The purpose of requiring a visual simulation is to provide decision makers with a pictorial representation of the future condition of a development project as close to reality as possible.
      1.   Photography.
         a.   The photograph is the basis of view simulation, and care shall be taken in the selection of a camera. The goal is to select a camera-lens combination that will yield photographs that, as closely as possible, represent site views from a variety of locations distant from the project and from surrounding areas that will have a direct view of the project.
         b.   The photographs shall be taken with the camera mounted on a leveled tripod and the height of the camera recorded. If the scene cannot be captured in one (1) photograph and a panoramic shot is required, a proper panorama camera or lens/camera that accurately records a panorama shall be used. If a series of incremental panoramic shots were taken, special stitching software or photo retouching software shall be used.
      2.   Control data.
         a.   The location of the camera shall be recorded as accurately as possible at the time the photograph is taken. The location can be determined by field survey, existing topographic maps, or GPS locators.
         b.   Several items that appear in each photograph shall be field surveyed for accurate location using the methods described above to allow for accurate configuration of the views in the modeling software.
      3.   Computer modeling. The proposed project shall be modeled based on subdivision design, architectural, and landscape data. Existing terrain, buildings, survey data, and any field notes shall be included in the modeling effort. The level of detail included in the computer model will be determined by the intended use of the simulation.
      4.   Staging. The computer model shall be aligned to the photographs in the rendering software utilizing the alignment data and the lens and focal length of the camera used. The model shall be lighted according to the time of day and year and the views rendered.
      5.   Rendering. The rendering process shall be completed after aligning the model to the photograph. The subject matter should be colored and textured to simulate the proposed project as closely as possible to that intended.
      6.   Photocomposition. Any retouching undertaken to make foreground objects visible shall be done in such a way so as to preserve the original photograph and the rendered image intact.
(Ord. 1079, passed 11-2-04; Am. Ord. 1203, passed 2-20-18; Am. Ord. 1220, passed 3-16-21; Am. Ord. 1241, passed 8-15-23; Am. Ord. 1242, passed 8-15-23)