A. Each large event permit applicant shall develop and submit a Waste Management Plan as part of the permit application. All solid waste generated as a result of large events shall be subject to the waste reduction plan. The plan shall include the following information:
1. An estimate of the amount and types of waste anticipated from the event;
2. Proposed actions to reduce the amount of waste generation related to the event;
3. Arrangements for separation, collection and diversion from landfills of reusable and recyclable materials.
B. The operator of each large event occurring annually, or more often, shall, on or before July 1, and biennially thereafter, meet with recyclers and waste service providers of the large event to discuss plans for implementation of new or improved waste reduction programs to better meet the purposes of this chapter.
C. Each large venue facility shall develop and submit a Waste Management Plan as part of the permit application. All solid waste generated within or upon large venue facilities shall be subject to the waste reduction plan. The plan shall include the following information:
1. Source reduction and recycling programs;
2. How solid waste is processed by the franchise hauler;
3. Procedures for separation, collection and diversion from landfills of reusable and recyclable materials.
D. Each operator of a large venue facility shall meet with recyclers and waste service providers of the facility every two (2) years following approval of the Waste Management Plan to discuss plans for implementation of new or improved waste reduction programs to better meet the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 1096, passed 11-7-06)