A.   Open market solicitation. The Purchasing Agent, directors, and directors’ designees may use the procedure set forth in this paragraph for purchases of professional services of a value within the open market purchase limit specified in the purchasing policy.
      1.   The Purchasing Agent, directors, and directors’ designees shall make a reasonable effort to obtain offers by written, electronic, or other means without the necessity of publishing notice of the solicitation or seeking competitive offers.
      2.   Open market purchases may be executed by a purchasing card transaction or by a purchase order as deemed appropriate by the Purchasing Agent. Any such purchasing card transaction may be executed by the Purchasing Agent, directors, and directors’ designees. Any such purchase order may be executed by the Purchasing Agent.
   B.   Informal solicitation. The Purchasing Agent may use the procedure set forth in this paragraph for purchases of professional services of a value within the informal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy.
      1.   The Purchasing Agent shall make a reasonable effort to obtain at least three (3) competitive offers by written, electronic, or other means without the necessity of publishing notice of the solicitation. In the event three (3) competitive offers are not obtained, the Purchasing Agent shall document the reasons therefor in the files of the Purchasing Division.
      2.   The Purchasing Agent shall either:
         a.   Award the purchase to a responsive and responsible offeror on the basis of demonstrated competence, professional qualifications, and a fair and reasonable price for the city; or
         b.   Reject all offers. If all offers are rejected, then the Purchasing Agent may cancel the procurement or may reissue the solicitation.
      3.   Informal solicitation purchases may be executed by a purchase order or by both a written contract and a purchase order as deemed appropriate by the Purchasing Agent. Any such purchase order and written contract may be executed by the Purchasing Agent or the Administrative Services Director.
   C.   Formal solicitation. The Purchasing Agent shall use the procedure set forth in this paragraph for purchases of professional services of a value within the formal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy.
      1.   The Purchasing Agent shall publish a notice of the solicitation.
      2.   The City Council shall either:
         a.   Award the purchase to a responsive and responsible offeror on the basis of demonstrated competence, professional qualifications, and a fair and reasonable price for the city; or
         b.   Reject all offers. If all offers are rejected, then the City Council may cancel the procurement or may order reissuance of the solicitation.
      3.   Formal solicitation purchases may be executed by a purchase order or by both a written contract and a purchase order as deemed appropriate by the Purchasing Agent. Any such purchase order may be executed by the Administrative Services Director. Any such written contract may be executed by the Mayor or the City Manager.
(Ord. 1198, passed 11-21-17)