A.   Applicability. The Purchasing Agent shall use the procedure set forth in this section for purchases of supplies, materials, equipment, and cost-based services of a value within the formal solicitation limit specified in the purchasing policy.
   B.   Solicitation. The Purchasing Agent shall publish notice of the solicitation. Such notice shall include a general description of the supplies, materials, equipment, or services to be purchased; shall state where the solicitation documents may be obtained; and shall state the time and place for opening of offers. The Purchasing Agent shall also solicit offers from vendors whose names are on the vendors list for the category of purchase being solicited.
   C.   Offer submission. At the discretion of the Purchasing Agent, sealed written offers may be received in paper copy or by secured electronic means, as specified in the solicitation.
   D.   Offer opening. The Purchasing Agent shall publicly open offers at the time and place stated in the solicitation. If an offer is submitted by a local vendor, the Purchasing Agent shall, for the purpose of offer comparison only, reduce the amount of such offer by the local vendor preference amount. Offer results shall be posted publicly or otherwise made available for public inspection.
   E.   Purchase award; offer rejection. The City Council shall award the purchase to the lowest responsive and responsible offeror or shall reject all offers. If all offers are rejected, then the City Council may cancel the procurement or may order reissuance of the solicitation.
   F.   Tie offers. If two (2) or more low offers received are for the same total amount or unit price, quality and service being equal, then the City Council may either:
      1.   Select one (1) based on delivery date, scope of warranty, local vendor status, or other benefit deemed to be in the city’s best interests; or
      2.   Accept the lowest offer made by negotiation with the tie offerors.
   G.   Execution. Formal solicitation purchases may be executed by a purchase order or by both a written contract and a purchase order as deemed appropriate by the Purchasing Agent. Any such purchase order may be executed by the Administrative Services Director. Any such written contract may be executed by the Mayor or the City Manager.
(Ord. 1198, passed 11-21-17)