1.    Appropriate title (for example, Tree Removal Exhibit or Tree Survey).
2.    Title block, including street address, lot and block, subdivision name, city and date of preparation.
3.    North arrow, graphic and written scale in close proximity.
4.    Scale at a size no larger than 1 inch =100 for residential development; scale to be determined by the Landscape Administrator for nonresidential and home building activities.
5.    Name, address and phone of owner and person preparing the document.
6.    Location of all right-of-way lines and public easements.
7.    Location of all buildings, structures, pools, parking and other improvements which are existing or intended on the lot.
8.    Areas of cut/fill with amount of each shown and flow lines shown.
9.    Existing and proposed spot elevations, grades and major contours, along with existing landscaping, streams, ponds and major natural features.
10.    Areas of no disturbance labeled as "No Disturbance Area." This area must be clearly marked on the plan and surrounded with protective fencing on the ground. A single incidence removal of underbrush and vines is allowed.
11.    All protected trees shown individually on the plan. Canopy trees 6 inches or greater in size and understory trees 2 inches or greater in size. Trees in close proximity that all have a caliper of less than 4 inches may be designated as a group of trees with quantity of quality, marginal and understory trees shown. (See Appendix C)
12.    The location of protected trees must be tied by horizontal control (including dimensions from lot lines or placed through coordinates determined via survey).
13.    All protected trees shown with diameter (4-1/2 feet from the ground), common name and condition.
14.    Any proposed replacement trees shown with caliper size, common name of tree and mature size.
15.    Graphic representations distinguishing protected trees that will be saved versus those that will be removed.
16.    Phasing of tree survey along with phasing of the development is permitted.
1.    The Landscape Administrator shall have the authority to designate areas as "no disturbance" areas where a survey would not be required due to no intended construction.
2.    An area may be designated as a "No Disturbance Zone" on the plan when approved by the Landscape Administrator and trees within that zone are not required to be individually identified on the plan.
3.    The Landscape Administrator shall have the authority to exempt any of the above items that he/she deems to be not applicable.