(A)   All lot owners are to bring their deed or proof of right of burial when ordering graves opened.
   (B)   All orders for opening graves must be made at least 16 hours before the time set for the funeral.
   (C)   When a new grave is opened in close proximity to a previous interment, it is often impossible to avoid damaging the old grave. The management or the city will not be responsible for that damage and remounding or reboxing. If ordered, fees will be charged to the lot owner of the opened grave.
   (D)   In the case of death from smallpox, or cholera, the grave will be prepared by the cemetery employees, but neither they nor the Supervisor will be present at the interment. The Board of Health must furnish the tools and employees to handle the remains and close the grave.
(1982 Code, § 91.03(A)-(D))
   (E)   Price for opening and closing graves shall be as follows:
      (1)   All graves under 4 feet in length-$125;
      (2)   All other graves-$400; and
      (3)   Ash burial-$125.
(Ord. 4-2004, passed 2-23-2004)
   (F)   All improvement work on burial lots such as resurfacing, grading, excavating, sodding, setting trees, placing foundation work for stone work or setting corner posts must be done by cemetery employees under the supervision of the Supervisor.
(1982 Code, § 91.03(F))  (Am. Ord. 20-1981, passed 11-23-1981)