(a)    General Standards. The General Standards set forth in Section 943.06(b) are also applicable to small cell facilities and wireless support structures outside the right-of-way.
   (b)    Collocation on Existing Structures.
      (1)   The collocation of small cell facilities on existing buildings and structures and designed as a stealth facility is strongly encouraged.
      (2)   For building-mounted stealth facilities, materials shall be used that match in color, size, proportion, style, and quality with the exterior design and architectural character of the building or structure. Added architectural elements that are out of character with the existing structure or otherwise direct unnecessary attention to the structure are not permitted.
      (3)    Where a small cell facility is proposed to be located on a building rooftop, all equipment associated with the facility shall be enclosed within an architecturally integrated penthouse or otherwise be completely screened to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Buildings. Required screening shall be decorative and of a design, color, and texture that is architecturally integrated with the building it is on.
   (c)    New Wireless Support Structures/Poles.
      (1)   Location.
         A.    Required Setbacks. In no case shall a new support structure be located less than forty feet from any adjacent single-family residential property line, or from the edge of any Village right-of- way.
         B.    Required Spacing. Minimum separation between new wireless support structures and other existing facilities shall be 300 linear feet between proposed Type V and existing Type I, Type II or Type III support structures, or permitted but unconstructed Type Ill support structures, at the time a complete application is filed with the Village, irrespective of the owner/operator of the small cell facilities.
         C.    Placement. The new wireless support structure shall be placed on the site to minimize its visibility from off-site-locations as much as practicable.
      (2)    Maximum Permitted Height. For a new wireless support structure, the overall height of the wireless support structure and any antennas shall not be more than forty feet in height above established grade at the base of the structure.
      (3)    Design Requirements. The Design Requirements of this Section 943.09 shall be the same as those set forth in Section 943.06(d)(3).
      (4)    Multiple requests for wireless support structures in violation of spacing requirements. If multiple requests are received by the Village to install two or more poles that would violate applicable spacing requirements under Section 943.06(d)(l)C, or to collocate two or more small cell facilities on the same wireless support structure, notwithstanding division (F) of section 4939.0313 of the Revised Code, the Village may resolve conflicting requests through whatever reasonable and nondiscriminatory manner it deems appropriate.
   (d)    Antenna. All antenna installed in connection with a Type V wireless support structure shall conform to the requirements of Section 943.06(e).
   (e)    Small Cell Facilities Installed on Type V Wireless Support Structures. All small cell facilities installed on Type V wireless support structures shall conform to the requirements of Section 943.06(f).
   (f)    Ground Mounted Small Cell Facilities.
      (1)   Location. In no case shall ground mounted small cell facilities be located more than two feet from the base of the related wireless support structure.
      (2)    Size. All small cell wireless equipment associated with the facility shall not cumulatively exceed twenty-eight cubic feet in volume. The calculation of equipment volume shall not include electric meters, concealment elements, telecommunications demarcation boxes, grounding equipment, power transfer switches, cut-off switches, and vertical cable runs for the connection of power and other services.
      (3)    Maximum Permitted Height. The maximum height for ground mounted small cell facilities shall not exceed 2.5 feet as measured from established grade at the base of the facility.
      (4)    Equipment Enclosures Required. All ground mounted small cell facilities shall be fully contained within enclosures or cabinets.
      (5)    Design Requirements.
         A.    Screening required. Ground mounted equipment cabinets shall be completely screened with evergreen plant material planted to ensure that the equipment will be screened to its full height within two years of planting.
         B.    Color. Ground mounted small cell facility cabinets and enclosures shall be a grey powder coated finish consistent with the Small Cell Design Guidelines.
   (g)    Design Guidelines. The Commissioner of Buildings may promulgate detailed guidelines pertaining to small cell facilities outside the right-of-way, which design guidelines shall be provided, utilized, and updated in accordance with Section 943.06(h).
(Ord. 3971. Passed 6-20-18.)