121.03 MEETINGS.
   (a)   Regular meeting of Council shall be held in the Council Chamber of the Village Hall or at another location in the Village at 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month.
   (b)   The Mayor, or any three members of the Council may call special meetings upon at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice to each member, served personally or left at their usual place of residence, and email.
   (c)   A quorum is a majority of the elected members to Council. In the case of a vacancy in the Council membership, a quorum of the remaining members constitutes a quorum.
   (d)   The roll call of Council shall be in alphabetical order.
   (e)   Business of all regular meetings of the Council shall be transacted in the following order:
      Call to order
      Roll call of members
      Pledge of Allegiance
      Approval of Council minutes
      Mayor's Court report
      Fiscal Officer's report
      Boards and Commissions reports
      Old/new business:
         Ordinances and resolutions
         Appointments and confirmations
         Or any other business
   (f)   Responsibility for preparation of the agenda for each meeting of Council shall be vested in the President of Council, in consultation with the Chairpersons of the Committees of Council, and the Clerk.
   (g)   All meetings of the Council shall be open to the public, unless an executive session is expressly authorized under Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22(G).
   (h)   The Ohio Revised Code, the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Bratenahl, including Chapters 127, Code of Conduct, and 129, Code of Ethics, the Ohio Ethics Law, and, if none of the aforementioned laws are applicable, then Robert's Rules of Order as revised from time to time, shall govern all proceedings of the Bratenahl Village Council and its Committees and it shall be the duty of the presiding officer or chairperson thereof to adhere to and enforce such rules.
    (i)   Citizen/public participation:
      (1)   Any citizen may appear and be heard at a public meeting of the Council.
      (2)   For Council meetings, the President of Council may recognize any member of the public for the purpose of addressing the Council on any matter on which Council action is required. In such cases, the person recognized shall address the Chair, state his/her name and address, and the subject matter he or she desires to discuss. Remarks must be confined to the merits of the subject at issue.
      (3)   For Council Committee meetings, the Chairperson may recognize any non-member for the purpose of addressing the Committee on any question or any matter on which Committee action is required. In such cases, the person recognized shall address the Chair, state his/her name and address, and the subject matter he or she desires to discuss. Remarks must be confined to the merits of the subject at issue.
      (4)   Speakers must be courteous and avoid discussion of personalities.
      (5)   Speakers must limit their remarks to three (3) minutes.
      (6)   Speakers must adhere to the provisions set forth in Section 129.05, Conduct at Village Meetings, of the Codified Ordinances.
         (Ord. 4058. Passed 2-19-20.)