Before a food wagon license is issued by the city, the licensee shall execute and deliver to the City Administrator, on a form prescribed by the city, an indemnification agreement holding the city harmless for any personal injury or property damage resulting from operation of the food wagon.
(Ord. 298, passed 3-1-2022)
(A) Food wagons shall be allowed only at approved locations within the city, and shall not travel from point to point around the city, unless specifically authorized to do so by Council action. Food wagons can operate on a private property without obtaining a license, but the property owner will take full responsibility to ensure all licenses and insurance are up to date. If the truck wagon is associated with an event, the event is ultimately responsible to verify the licenses and insurance are up-to-date.
(B) No food wagon shall be allowed to dispense food on public property when there is a permit issued for another food or similar wagon(s) in association with an organized and permitted event, festival, celebration or tournament at the same location. An organized and permitted event, festival, celebration or tournament may have allowed multiple or similar wagons at their permitted event as long as they provide the city with a list of authorized vendors, sign the indemnification agreement holding the city harmless, and signs the document verification form assuring the city they have verified all their vendors are licensed and insured.
(C) A person operating a food wagon may apply for and receive an annual license for different sites in the city at various times throughout the license period, provided that the food wagon is only operated in one site at a time and provided that the operator notifies the City Administrator of the location of the food wagon in advance of each specific time that food is sold from the wagon.
(D) The food wagon can operate no more than 21 days annually. It cannot operate more than 21 days annually at any one place unless it is operated at the site of and in conjunction with a permanent business licensed under M.S. Chapter 157 or Chapter 28A. The food wagon will provide the dates and locations it will operate for the 21 days when it applies for the permit. If the full 21 days are not used, the dates will be forfeited, but no money will be refunded.
(Ord. 298, passed 3-1-2022)
(A) No food shall be sold except directly from the food wagon.
(B) Radios and other audio devices shall be permitted only inside the food wagon. No music or noise shall be permitted that is audible more than 30 feet from the food wagon. No amplification device shall be permitted on the exterior of any food wagon.
(C) Food wagon sales shall be permitted only between the hours of sunrise and 10:00 p.m., unless the City Council gives express permission to deviate from these hours.
(D) Food wagons are prohibited from using utilities from public property and rights-of-way without obtaining permission from the property owner or agent. Generators must be self-contained and screened from view.
(E) Food wagon owners shall clean up around their food wagons at the end of each business day.
(F) All food wagons shall be kept in good repair and order and shall have a neat appearance.
(G) There shall be no drainage of liquids allowed from the food wagon onto public property.
(H) If a food wagon is not being used to dispense food (excluding days when food dispensation is not allowed under § 116.06) the food wagon must be removed from the premises. A permit is good for a maximum of 21 days annually.
(I) No license shall be issued to any food wagon until proof of a valid certificate of liability insurance, a valid Minnesota Department of Health permit, written approval from the property owner, and a site location plan are provided to City Hall.
(Ord. 298, passed 3-1-2022)