All uses shall comply with all federal, state, and local pollution and nuisance laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, glare, smoke, dust, odors, and noise. The burden of proof of compliance with appropriate performance standards shall lie with the applicant.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
Whenever, in the course of administration and enforcement of this subchapter, it is necessary or desirable to make any administrative decision, unless other standards are provided within this subchapter, the decisions shall be made so that the result will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this subchapter as described in § 154.001.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
Any alteration which will change or diminish the course, current, or cross section of a public water shall be approved by the Commissioner of the State Department of Natural Resources, in accordance with the procedures of M.S. § 103G.245, as it may be amended from time to time. This alteration includes construction of channels and ditches; lagoons; dredging of lake or stream bottoms for removal of muck, silt, or weeds; and filling in the lake or stream bed. Judicial ditches are under court jurisdiction, and the County Engineer is the advisor.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
The architectural appearance and function of any building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or areas as to constitute a blighting influence. Earth sheltered buildings are allowed if in compliance with all other zoning provisions promulgated pursuant to M.S. § 462.357, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)