(A) General.
(1) On all walls, at least 25% of the entire exterior wall surface, but not less than three feet of the entire exterior wall surface measured from the ground up, shall be constructed of one of the following materials:
(a) Face brick;
(b) Rock face block;
(c) Cementitious siding;
(d) Natural stone;
(e) Glass;
(f) Masonry stucco;
(g) Synthetic stucco;
(h) Waynes coating; and
(i) Other comparable or superior material as approved by the Zoning Administrator.
(2) Buildings may be constructed of primarily one of the materials listed in divisions (A)(1)(a) through (A)(1)(h) if the design exceeds the intent of the design and construction standards.
(B) Accent materials. Wood and metal may be used as accent materials, provided that they are appropriately integrated into the overall building design, and not situated in areas that will be subject to physical or environmental damage.
(C) Exception. The following exception is permitted: The 25% of the exterior wall surface, and/or the three feet of exterior wall surface measured from the ground up, does not include doors, doorways, or windows.
(D) Additions and alterations. All subsequent additions and alterations constructed after the erection of an original building, or buildings, shall be of the same materials as those used in the original building, and shall be designed in a manner conforming to the original architectural concept and general appearance. These provisions shall not prevent the city to require upgrading of the quality of materials used in a remodeling or expansion program.
(Ord. 240, passed 6-7-2005)
It is the intent of this section to provide that industry and related activities shall be established and maintained with proper appearance from streets and adjoining properties, and to provide that each permitted use shall be a good neighbor to adjoining properties by the control of the following.
(A) Noise.
(1) General. Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation is located. Noise shall be muffled so not to become objectionable due to intermittent beat, frequency, shrillness, or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the values given in division (A)(2) below.
(2) Sound-pressure levels. Maximum permissible sound-pressure levels of specified points of measurement for noise radiated continuously from a facility:
Band Cycles per Second (frequency) | Maximum Permitted Sound Level (decibels) |
Band Cycles per Second (frequency) | Maximum Permitted Sound Level (decibels) |
20-75 | 72 |
75-150 | 67 |
150-300 | 59 |
300-600 | 52 |
600-1,200 | 46 |
1,200-2,400 | 40 |
2,400-4,800 | 34 |
Over 4,800 | 32 |
(B) Nuisance standards.
(1) Noise. Any use established shall conform to the noise standards established in Minn. Rules § 7030.0040, or as it may be amended from time to time. This standard shall not apply to incidental traffic, parking, loading, construction, farming, or maintenance.
(2) Vibration. Any use creating periodic, earthshaking vibration shall be prohibited if undue vibrations are perceptible beyond boundaries of the property on which the use is located. This standard shall not apply to vibrations created during the process of construction, or to permitted quarrying operations subject to conditions placed upon the businesses.
(3) Glare and heat. Any use producing intense heat or light transmission shall be performed with the necessary shielding to prevent the heat or light from being detectable at the lot line of the site on which the use is located.
(4) Smoke and particulate matter. Any use established, enlarged, or remodeled after the effective date of this subchapter shall be so operated as to meet the minimum requirements for ambient air quality standards, as established in M.S. Chapter 7009, as it may be amended from time to time, unless a permit has been secured from the county by the owner or operator of the facility or use.
(5) Toxic or noxious matter. Any use which involves the use of, or the manufacture of, toxic or noxious substances shall not discharge the substances into the atmosphere, water, or subsoil.
(6) Explosives. Any use requiring the storage, use, or manufacture of products which could decompose by detonation shall be located not less than 400 feet from any residence. This division (B)(6) shall not apply to the storage or usage, or liquefied petroleum or natural gas, for normal residential or business purposes.
(7) Radiation emission. All activities that emit radioactivity shall comply with the minimum requirements of the MPCA.
(8) Electrical emission. All activities that create electrical emissions shall comply with the minimum requirements of the FCC.
(C) Odor. No activity or operation shall cause, at any time, the discharge of toxic, noxious, or odorous matter beyond the limits of the immediate site where it is located in the concentrations as to be obnoxious or otherwise detrimental to, or endanger, the public health, welfare, comfort, or safety, or cause injury to property or business.
(D) Glare. Glare, whether direct or reflected, such as from floodlights, spotlights, or high-temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illumination, shall not be visible beyond the site of origin at any property line.
(E) Exterior lighting. Any lights used for exterior illuminations shall be directed away from adjacent properties.
(F) Smoke, dust, fumes, or gases. Every operation shall conform to local standards.
(G) Hazard. Every operation shall be carried on in accordance with local fire and safety codes.
(H) Water supply. The design and construction of water supply facilities and water supply source shall be in accordance with local and state Department of Health standards and requirements.
(I) Waste. All sewage and industrial wastes shall be treated and disposed in the manner as to comply with the State Department of Health standards and requirements, and local codes.
(J) Compliance. In order to assure compliance with the performance standards set forth above, the Planning Commission may require the owner or operator of any permitted use to make the investigations and tests, as may be required, to show adherence to the performance standards.
(K) Additions. All subsequent additions and outbuildings constructed after the erection of an original building, or buildings, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
Any unenclosed uses, including storage, manufacturing, and assembly, occurring within 50 feet of a residential district, shall be screened and buffered from the district by a wall and separation of open space which shall have a minimum depth of 30 feet and shall include a required fence or vegetative screening of not less than seven feet in height above the level of the residential district property at the district boundary. Walls or fences of lesser heights or planting screens may be permitted by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals if there is a finding that the nature or extent to adequately promote and protect the use and enjoyment of the properties within the adjacent residential district, or there is a finding that a screening of the type required by this chapter would interfere with the provision of adequate amounts of light and air to same the properties. Loading docks in the industrial district shall be screened so as not to be visible from any public street right-of-way within a residential district. All required screening devices shall be designed so that they are architecturally harmonious with the principal structures on the site, and they shall be properly maintained so as not to become unsightly, hazardous, or less opaque than when originally constructed.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)
The General Industrial District is established to provide exemplary standards of development for certain industrial uses that prefer to be located in choice or strategic sites. These general industrial uses are less compatible with commercial and residential areas and, therefore, are not appropriate in the I-1 District.
(Ord. 199, passed 2-7-2000)