General City Fees
   33.01   Fee schedule
Building Permit Fees
   33.10   Building inspection services
   33.11   Permit and inspection fees
   33.12   Project valuation determination
   33.13   Plan review fees
   33.14   State surcharge on building, mechanical and plumbing permits
   33.15   Refunds
   33.16   Work without a permit
   33.17   Validity, expiration, and suspension or revocation of permits
   33.18   Residential mechanical permit fees
   33.19   Residential plumbing permit fees
   33.20   Other permits and fees
Administrative citations and ordinance violations
Administrative citations
$60 per citation
Ordinance violations under Public Works, Title V
Actual costs for repairing any damage to the city's system
Examples include: contaminating the municipal water supply, illegal connection to sanitary sewer or water mains, disposing of chemicals in the sewage collection system, and the like will be charged actual costs to repair the violation
Turning on disconnected water after the city has discontinued service for non-payment
$100 per violation
Nuisance abatement pursuant to Title IX General Regulations
$50 per hour for mowing and snow removal
Minimum one-hour billed - each violation
   Administrative warrant to enter property to fix violations if necessary
Actual costs to obtain billed to violator
   Abatement activities    
      (cleaning up junk, securing vacant dwellings, removing diseased trees, abating nuisances, et al)
Actual costs billed to violator. Specially assessed to property if invoice remains unpaid.
Ordinance violations under Business Regulations, Title XI
Operating without a license is a misdemeanor citation
Officers have the option to issue a state ticket for a misdemeanor offense.
Administrative citation is $100 per violation
With respect to licensed establishments, Council has the authority to suspend, impose a civil fine, or revoke a license for failed compliance with the ordinance
Ordinance violations under General Offenses, Title XIII
Officers have the option to also issue a state ticket for a misdemeanor offense
Ordinance violations under Land Use, Title XV
$200 per violation
If the violation remains, the city can continue to issue new citations until the violation is corrected
Adult entertainment
$2,500 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   Dangerous dog certificate
   (M.S. § 347.51)
Actual costs
   Kennel license
Per year
   Kennel license - commercial
Per year
   Licenses - life of the animal
   License - duplicate
   Chicken coop
Application fee and site review
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
Carnivals, circuses, tent shows
$25 per day
Garbage and refuse collection
$400 per year
   Brew pub on-sale
$1,000 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   Intoxicating liquor on-sale
$1,000 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   Intoxicating liquor on-sale - Sundays
$100 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   3.2 malt liquor - on-sale
$100 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   3.2 malt liquor - off-sale
$100 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
   Special club
$500 per year
   Temporary on-sale - 3.2 malt liquor
$75 per event
   Temporary on-sale - liquor
$75 per event
   Temporary on-sale - liquor per day
$75 per event
   Wine and strong beer
$400 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
$750 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
Peddler or solicitor (for profit)
$25 per day
Peddler or solicitor (non-profit)
No charge
$100 per year
New licenses will also pay an investigation fee. Investigation fee is actual costs.
Miscellaneous city services
Copies - over 100 including police reports
Per page plus $25/hour labor costs
Data practices request - search, copy information
$0.25 per page under 100 pages
Actual cost for DVDs, photographs, data stored electronically, over 100 copies. Actual costs include staff time to search, retrieve, and prepare the medium requested (e.g. DVD).
Fax - in
$2 plus $1 per page
Fax - out
$4 plus $1 per page
Filing for office (affidavit of candidacy)
NSF Charge
Per document
Rental of Council Chambers by non-profit groups
No charge
Room lease
$20 per week or
$50 per month
Right-of-way (requiring a street opening or excavation of a paved surface)
$100 per permit
$3,000 escrow per opening
Must complete permit application form and submit with required documents
Right-of-way - directional bore
No cost
Must complete permit application form and submit with required documents
Building permits - see §§ 33.10 and 33.11 below
Special event permit
For events with more than 1,000 people in attendance
$50 damage deposit for resident
Additional fees that may apply to special event permits are:
$100 damage deposit for non-resident
   $5 per sign (such as detour, no parking)
   $5 per traffic control device
   $20 per table to move in additional picnic tables from one park to another park
   $75 per hour per officer - 2 hour minimum
Police fees
Civil stand by fees
$75 per hour
2 hour minimum
Copy of photo/police report
Copying video from squad or BWC
$40 per hour
Labor rate - OT. Includes squad use
Actual costs
Consistent with TZD rates
Labor rate - overtime
Actual costs
Consistent with TZD rates
Special use vehicle operators permit fee
Per vehicle
Storage and impound fees
$25 per day
Outside storage
$50 per day
Inside storage
Towing fees
Actual costs
Planning, zoning, economic development fees
Assignment and assumption agreement
Conditional use, interim use permit, planned unit development, platting, rezoning, vacation of public right of way request or easement
$250 fee for preliminary plat and a separate $250 fee for final plat
Developer’s agreement
Escrow of $5,000 is required
Lot split or lot combination
A legal description for the lot combination or split must be provided by the property owner
Park dedication fee
$750 per housing unit
$550 for parks and $200 for trails
Preliminary financial assistance review
Actual costs incurred
TIF District or tax abatement applications and developments
Actual costs incurred
Escrow deposit of $10,000 is required
Street Department/equipment
Equipment - add actual man hours (MH) unless noted
Equipment rental only for mutual aid purposes
Air compressor - portable
$75 per day
Chain saw - 12"
$75 per day
Chain saw - 18"
$75 per day
Chop saw - 14"
$75 per day
Generator - portable
$150 per hour
$160 per hour
$125 per hour
Pump - diaphragm
$75 per day
Sewer Jetter/Vac - 2 people per OSHA
$275 per hour
Includes MH
Skid loader
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Snow blower
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Street sweeper
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Traffic control
$5 per barricade
$5 per cone
Truck - bucket - 2 people
$250 per hour
Includes MH
Truck - 3/4-ton
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Truck - one-ton
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Truck - tandem/dump
$190 per hour
Includes MH
Truck - single axle
$160 per hour
Includes MH
Water pump (4")
$120 per hour
Water and sewer rates
Late fee
$10 or 10%
Whichever is higher
Meter - fee
Actual cost incurred
Irrigation meter
Meter - failure to allow access/noncompliance
Disconnect or citation
Fine up to $1,000 and/or up to 90 days in jail. Plus $50 per month starting the next billing until in compliance.
Meter - tampering fee
Fine plus costs
Meter - testing
Actual costs incurred
Meter deposit
Hydrant usage fee/rental fee
$25 plus cost of water used
Sewer access charge - SAC
Per standard equivalent connection (SEC)
Water access charge - WAC
Per standard equivalent connection (SEC)
Reconnect fee
Residents that request their water be shut off for several months due to being out of state will not have to pay a shut-off or reconnect fee but are required to pay the monthly REU base rates for water and sewer even though the water is shut off.
Request to reconnect water after 3:30 p.m. or on a weekend day
Basic service charges (REUs/SFR) for water and sewer
$10.08 per SFR unit
Each account that is not a single-family residence account shall pay a basic service charge that is a multiple of the SFR unit basic service charge as calculated by staff pursuant to § 51.04(B)(2).
$17.85 per SFR unit
Per gallon operating charges for water and sewer
Water usage fees (gallons)
Cost per gallon ($)
   Zero gallons to 6,000 gallons
Minimum bill for water usage is 2,500 gallons
   6,001 gallons to 20,000 gallons
   20,001 to 38,000 gallons
   38,001 to 50,000 gallons
   Over 50,000 gallons per month
All gallons used will be billed on the appropriate usage tier. Example: 6,256 gallons used would be billed at the 6,001 to 20,000 gallon rate for all gallons used.
Sewer usage fees (gallons)
Cost per gallon ($)
   0-6,000 gallons
Minimum bill is 2,500 gallons
   6,001 gallons to 20,000 gallons
   20,001 to 38,000 gallons
   38,001 to 50,000 gallons
   Over 50,000 gallons per month
State drinking water fee
Fee determined by the state
When the state changes the fee, the city will reflect the increased price on the utility bill
Sprinkler systems - see ordinance
NSF charge
Outside city limits water/sewer rates
See notation
Must pay WAC/SAC, additional 50% of the rates to all pre-existing users outside of the city limits
(Ord. 311, passed 11-7-2023)
   (A)   The city contracts with Rum River Consultants for building inspection services. The city hereby adopts their permit fee schedule as the city's fee schedule:
   Rum River Consultants Permit and Inspection Fees
   (B)   The administration and issuance of permits and the collection of fees shall be as authorized in M.S. Ch. 326B, Minn. Rules 1300.0120 and 1300.0160, and as provided by this fee schedule. Fees are to be commensurate with the service provided. Permit fees not specifically identified within this fee schedule are based on the valuation determined by § 33.12.
(Ord. 311, passed 11-7-2023)
   Permit and inspection fees for residential building, commercial building, fire suppression, fire alarm, commercial mechanical, and commercial plumbing. The minimum fee for processing these permits is $100.
Total valuation
Permit fee
Total valuation
Permit fee
$1.00 to $2,000.00
$100.00 minimum
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00
$100.00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $16.55 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00
$464.15 for the first $25,000.00 plus $12.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00
$764.15 for the first $50,000.00 plus $8.45 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00
$1,186.65 for the first $100,000.00 plus $6.75 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00
$3,886.65 for the first $500,000.00 plus $5.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00; and
$1,000,001.00 and up
$6,636.65 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof
(Ord. 311, passed 11-7-2023)