1. Intended purpose. This district is designed to protect areas in the township, particularly those areas of steep slopes, for the preservation and conservation of the natural environment: to minimize soil erosion; to permit and encourage the retention of forested land; and to permit non-intensive land uses that constitute a harmonious and appropriate use in selected areas of the township.
2. Permitted uses and structures.
A. Principal uses.
(1) Public conservation areas and structures for the conservation of open land, water, soil, wildlife resources and historical preservation;
(2) Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, truck gardening and nurseries;
(3) Single-family detached dwelling units, seasonal cottages, hunting and fishing cabins;
(4) Public park and recreation areas, game refuges and similar non-intensive uses;
(5) Radio and television towers, including TV relay stations and cable TV transmission towers as well as those of stations originally transmitting programs;
(6) Electric and telephone public utility transmissions and distribution facilities, including substations;
(7) Public camps, camping grounds and facilities;
(8) Oil and gas production, including equipment necessary to drilling or pumping operations, but not including the construction or alteration of new or existing storage, service or repair buildings. Such producer shall acquire the proper permits and approvals from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and file such with the Zoning Officer;
(9) Nursing or convalescent homes; and
(10) Fences shall be considered structures in this regulation. Fencing within the Forest/Slope District are not to exceed eight feet in height except by approval in a variance hearing before the Zoning Hearing Board. When application is made for the erection of any said fence exceeding eight feet in height, the building permit must contain explicit information as to the purpose of said fence. Original purpose of intended use of fenced-in areas shall be maintained. Any desired change in use of the fenced-in area must go before the Zoning Hearing Board for a submittal in a variance hearing. Fence materials should be of open mesh see-through construction as in, but not limited to, woven wire, chain link, or other materials as approved by the Planning Commission. Rail and picket-type fencing does not meet the intent of this Chapter. Enclosures containing burrowing or digging wildlife (boar, hogs, and the like) shall be constructed to prevent escape by tunneling by extending vertically three feet below grade, then horizontally back five feet towards the interior of the fenced-in area, and then covered with No. 3 stone backfill in all fenced-in areas. Setback requirements of said fencing shall comply as follows.
(a) Front, side, and rear yard. Minimum fence setback shall be equal to or greater than the height of the fence.
B. Accessory uses.
(1) Customary accessory uses and structures incidental to any of the permitted uses including those listed in § 27-202.2.B pertaining to R-2 Residential Districts.
C. Uses by special exception.
(1) Semi-public or private recreational areas, game and wildlife hunting and gun clubs, historical preservation areas, camps, camping grounds and facilities. Hunting preserves, clubs, menageries and other establishments for raising/propagating and/or harvesting of sporting game wildlife;
(2) Horse riding stables;
(3) Winter sports areas and ski lodges;
(4) Country clubs and golf courses;
(5) Churches and cemeteries; and
(6) Public and private nursery; kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools and institutions of higher education.
3. Required lot size.
A. Exception. A residence may be built on less than five acres with the following criteria:
(1) The lot area shall be no less than one and nine tenths acres;
(2) The natural slope of the lot shall be no greater then 15 degrees unless a plot plan, sedimentation plan and stormwater management plan have been prepared by a registered engineer and approved by the Planning Commission;
(3) Lot frontage shall be at least 100 feet at the front setback line; and
(4) Applicant shall obtain approved sewage utilities.
B. Lot width. Three hundred feet at the front setback line.
4. Required open space.
A. Front yard. Seventy-five feet.
B. Side yards. (Two required) 50 feet.
C. Rear yard. Fifty feet.
D. Open space between principal buildings on a single lot. No vertical wall of a principal building shall be nearer to a vertical wall of any other principal building than 30 feet, or a distance equal to the average height of such vertical walls measured from adjoining finished grade, whichever is greater.
5. Maximum height of buildings.
A. Single-family dwellings and other principal buildings. Two and one-half stories, not to exceed 30 feet.
B. Accessory buildings. One story, not to exceed 15 feet.
6. Off-street parking references. (See Part 5 of this Chapter.)
7. Supplemental regulations reference. Pertaining to use, height, area or open space. (See Part 6 of this Chapter.)
(Ord. 1983-2B, passed 4-30-1984; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989; Ord. 1991-6, passed 4-29-1991; Ord. 2004-9-1, passed 9-20-2004; Ord. 2008, passed 11-10-2008) (A.O.)