1.   Intended purpose. It is the purpose of this district to accommodate medium-low density development and is composed of areas of the township where such developments are now located. The regulations for these districts are intended to protect and stabilize the prevailing characteristics and promote a safe and healthful environment for family life.
   2.   Permitted uses and structures.
      A.   Principal uses.
         (1)   Single-family dwelling;
         (2)   Church or similar place of worship, parish house, convent, rectory or parsonage;
         (3)   Private, non-profit elementary or secondary school accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Education;
         (4)   Fire station without club facilities;
         (5)   Private golf course catering exclusively to members and their guests; provided, that any building thereon shall be at least 100 feet from any lot line and no commercial activity shall be conducted except for an accessory swimming pool, “pro” shop, or an accessory dining room with or without bar facilities; and
         (6)   Nursing or convalescent homes.
      B.   Accessory uses.
         (1)   Private garage;
         (2)   Quarters for servants employed upon the premises;
         (3)   Private stable for not more than two horses, providing the area of the lot is two acres or more, and is located at least 50 feet from any lot line. The manure from such stables shall be stored in a manner which will effectively control the odor and flies;
         (4)   Building for private horticultural purposes, provided that no solid fuel is used and that such building shall be located at least 20 feet from any lot line and shall not exceed 12 feet in height;
         (5)   The keeping of not more than two roomers or lodgers or transient guests;
         (6)   Signs shall be permitted as follows.
            (a)   Identification sign. One non-illuminated sign not exceeding two square feet in area and indicating only the name and address of the occupant or a permitted occupation. Such sign may be attached to a building or may be on a separate support not more than four feet in height and shall be at least five feet from any property line or street line.
            (b)   Real estate signs.
               (1)   One non-illuminated sign not exceeding six square feet in area and advertising only the prospective sale or rental of the premises on which such sign shall not be placed within ten feet of any property line or street line; and
               (2)   One non-illuminated sign not exceeding 50 square feet in area in connection with the development or subdivision of real property. Such sign shall be permitted for a period of not to exceed one year and shall not be placed within 25 feet of any lot line or street line.
            (c)   Cemetery, golf course or institutional signs. One non-illuminated bulletin board or identification sign not exceeding 16 square feet in area. Such sign shall not be placed within ten feet of any property line or street line.
            (d)   Public signs. Any sign placed by any governmental agency for a public purpose.
         (7)   Storage of house trailers, utility trailers or boats, owned by the occupant of the premises, for his or her personal use, shall be permitted only in a rear yard or side yard;
         (8)   An office or studio of a resident, medical or osteopathic physician, dentist, physiotherapist, chiropodist, podiatrist, chiropractor, lawyer, engineer, architect, accountant, insurance agent, real estate agent, artist, musician, optometrist or teacher; provided, that:
            (a)   Such use shall be located within a dwelling and shall be clearly incidental to the primary residential use; and
            (b)   Such use shall not include the confinement of any person under care or treatment.
         (9)   Home occupations as defined in § 27-1202; and
         (10)   Other customary accessory use, but not including any use conducted for gain or an access drive or walk to a business or industrial premises.
      C.   Uses by special exception.
         (1)   Cemeteries.
   3.   Required lot size.
      A.   Lot area. Twenty thousand square feet.
      B.   Lot width. One hundred feet at front setback line.
   4.   Required open space.
      A.   Front yard. Fifty feet.
      B.   Side yards. (Two required).
         (1)   Single-family dwelling. The combined width of the side yards shall be 25% of the width of the lot but need not exceed 25 feet. Each side yard shall equal 10% of the width of the lot, but shall not be less than five feet and need not exceed ten feet unless a larger size is necessitated by the above provision in regard to combined width.
         (2)   Other principal buildings. Each side yard shall equal 30 feet or a distance equal to the height of the principal building, whichever is greater; provided, however, that where a side yard adjoins a lot in any district other than a residence district, such side yard shall equal 15 feet or a distance equal to one-half the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
      C.   Rear yard. Equal to 25% of the lot depth, but shall not be less than 20 feet or a distance equal to the height of the principal building, whichever is greater.
      D.   Open space between principal buildings on a single lot. No vertical wall of a principal building shall be nearer to a vertical wall of any other principal building than 30 feet or a distance equal to the average height of such vertical walls measured from adjoining finished grade, whichever is greater.
   5.   Maximum height of buildings.
      A.   Single-family dwelling. Two and one-half stories, not to exceed 30 feet.
      B.   Other principal building. As regulated by side yard requirements.
      C.   Accessory buildings. One story, not to exceed 15 feet.
   6.   Off-street parking reference. See Part 6 of this Chapter.
   7.   Supplemental regulations reference. Pertaining to use, height, area or open space. (See Part 7 of this Chapter.)
(Ord. 1983-2B, passed 4-30-1984; Ord. 1989-1, passed 3-13-1989)