(a)   Outdoor front yard or on-street parking in a residential zoning district or planned district for residential uses shall be subject to the following:
      (1)   Only self-propelled motor vehicles manufactured for normal everyday transportation use, licensed for operation on a public street, and having overall dimensions that shall not exceed ten feet in height, eight feet in width, and length as originally manufactured, may be parked or stored outdoors on the street or in the front yard on a paved driveway surface.
      (2)   Tractor trucks, trailers, semi-trailers, recreational vehicles, campers, boats, and the like are not permitted.
      (3)   Front yard or on-street parking or storage of all other types of vehicles or equipment not specifically permitted by this section shall be prohibited.
      (4)   Recreational vehicles and campers not longer than thirty-two feet may, by special permission available from the Police Department, be allowed to legally park in a residential zoning district.  Such permission must be obtained, at no cost to the resident, by the resident within twenty-four hours of arrival of the vehicle.  The permission shall be for no more than three days and will only be issued to the same resident twice in any calendar year.
      (5)   No vehicle shall be used for living, sleeping, housekeeping, or commercial purposes when parked or stored on the street, or on a residential lot, or in any location not approved for such use.
         (Ord. 98-02.  Passed 2-26-98.)
   (b)   Outdoor off-street parking in a residential zoned district or planned district for residential uses shall also be subject to the following regulations:
      (1)   All motorized vehicles must be parked on a permanent paved or similar surface.  Permitted surfaces shall include concrete, asphalt, paver brick, gravel or stone.
      (2)   Concrete, asphalt or paver bricks must be ued when parking a motorized vehicle in the front yard; gravel or stone surfaces may also be used for parking motorized vehicles on side or rear yards of a residential lot.
      (3)   Property owners must apply for and receive an approved permit issued by the Village Administrator for all newly constructed or re-constructed parking areas and driveways.  Each approved permit will be offered at no cost to the property owner.
      (4)   It shall be unlawful to habitually park any motorized vehicle on a portion of a residential lot that is not paved with a permanent surface.  “Habitually” is defined as a routine practice that occurs more than once each week and for periods of time lasting more than four hours.
   (c)   Definition of front, rear and side yards shall be as follows:
      (1)   Front yard: Is an open space extending the full width of the lot, and the depth of which is the minimum linear distance between the front lot line and the nearest point of the main residential building.
      (2)   Rear yard: Is an open space extending the full width of the lot, and the depth of which is the minimum linear distance between the rear lot line and the nearest point of the main residential building.
      (3)   Side yard: Is an open space between the main residential building and the side lot line, extending from the front yard to the rear yard, the width of which is the linear distance between the lot line and the nearest point of the main residential building.
   (d)   Definition of Driveway.  The driveway is defined as a short private right of way extending from a public street or alley to a garage or other permitted structure in which motorized vehicles may be parked or stored. 
(Ord. 16-01.  Passed 2-25-16.)
   (e)   This section shall not be construed to regulate commerce in any manner repugnant to state or federal law. 
(Ord. 98-02.  Passed 2-26-98.)
   (f)   Whoever violates this section of the code after receiving the first written notice is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for each 24-hour period of time that the violation continues.  Whoever violates this section after receiving a second or third written notice is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree for each 24-hour period of time that the violation continues.
(Ord. 16-01.  Passed 2-25-16.)