Sec. 4.   Design Standards for Multi-family and Non-Residential Uses Adjacent to Single-Family Residential Zoning Districts.
   A.   General.
      1.   Purpose and Intent. These standards are intended to protect lower intensity land uses from higher intensity land uses by requiring the higher intensity land uses to be designed and maintained to reduce impacts upon the lower intensity land uses through appropriate project orientation, additional setbacks for taller structures and recreational facilities, compatible architectural treatments, and proper location and orientation of signs and lights.
      2.   Applicability. When a new development, other than a single-family or two-family dwelling unit abuts or is adjacent to a single-family residential zoning district due to an intervening local roadway, the following design standards in Section 4.B below shall apply:
   B.   Standards.
      1.   Generally. All buildings and structures shall be designed and oriented in a manner ensuring maximum privacy of adjacent residential uses.
      Compatibility shall be evaluated based upon how well the proposed development fits within the context of the neighborhood and abutting properties.
      Single-family homes located within planned districts, multi-family homes, mixed-use projects, and all non-residential uses, where abutting or adjacent to single-family residential zoning, shall be designed to avoid a reduction in privacy of the abutting or adjacent properties. This requirement may be achieved through measures, such as but not limited to, additional landscaping, orientation of windows and balconies, and layout of units of upper floors.
      2.   Standards for Planned Residential Districts (IPUD and PUD). Any IPUD or PUD located adjacent to single-family residential zoning must locate structures of the same unit type or height. However, if vegetation, screening or other barriers and/or creative design on the perimeter of an Infill Planned Unit Development (IPUD) or Planned Unit Development (PUD) district achieve compatibility with adjacent uses, the city may grant some relief from the following two requirements:
         a.   Any IPUD or PUD located adjacent to an existing single-family residential development(s) must locate structures of the same unit type or height allowed by the adjacent zoning district(s); and
         b.   Additional setbacks are required for structures in excess of 30 feet in height pursuant to Chapter 3, Article III, Section 2.
(Ord. 12-016, passed 10-2-12)