Subdivision H. User Charge and Industrial Cost Recovery System
(a) There is imposed upon the owners or upon the users of each retail and wholesale customer served by the sewer system, a monthly user charge for the use thereof as follows:
(1) Sewer rates. A charge for waste resulting from human occupancy which shall include all of the following factors for the operation of the collection system and treatment of wastewater by the regional wastewater facility:
a. Operation and maintenance;
b. Debt service;
c. Capital costs;
d. System expansion;
e. Others as applicable
Consult the Water/Sewer Billing Department for the prevailing rates expressed as $/l,000 gallons of water consumption.
(2) Sewer surcharge. A surcharge for waste in excess of the parameters for strength established in the industrial and commercial waste ordinance, and set forth in Section 26-162(b) which may be assessed to applicable customers.
(b) Wholesale sewer rates.
(1) This section is applicable to those wholesale customers which maintain their own wastewater collection systems. They shall be charged a flat rate per 1,000 gallons, the quantity of which shall be determined by the metering of the wastewater discharge from each wholesale customer's individual wastewater collection system.
(2) The metering device shall be satisfactory to the city and shall provide for a separate remote 30-day recording device which shall have a totalizer. Location of the metering device shall be at an accessible location as agreed upon by the parties involved and as further explained and stipulated in an agreement to be executed by both parties.
(3) All costs incident to the furnishing, installation, initial calibration, and maintenance on a continuing basis of the meter, are and shall be, the wholesale customer's responsibility. The wholesale customer will provide to the city or its designated representative full details on the proposed meter installation and assurance that the installation will commence only upon the written authorization of the city. The city shall provide an authorization within ten (10) days after receipt by the city of the details of the above proposed meter installation.
(4) The meter shall be read monthly by a duly authorized agent of the city, and the wholesale customer shall provide access to the meter for this purpose. In the event of suspected inaccuracy in meter readings, the city shall have the right to request that the meter be tested by an independent organization in accordance with standard practices. If the meter shall be found inaccurate or defective, the cost of the meter test shall be borne by the wholesale customer. If the meter shall be found to be accurate and in good condition, the cost of the meter test shall be borne by the city.
(5) In the event of extenuating circumstances, the Commission may, at its discretion, direct that sufficient proof other than the installation of a metering device may be acceptable to determine the quantity of wastewater discharge.
(c) Calculation of sewer surcharge.
(1) Calculation of the sewer surcharge shall be in accordance with the following:
Parameter | Percent of Effect on Costs | Allowable Level of Sewage Strength |
BOD-5 | 41
| 400 mg/l (ppm)
| 15
| 400 “ ”
| 41
| 800 “ ”
F = F1 + F2
F = The factor to multiply the sewer rate for a surcharge due to excess strengths.
F1 = The strength factor for BOD-5 or COD, whichever is higher.
F2 = The strength factor for TSS (total suspended solids)
(2) The surcharge will be added to the sewer rate to develop the monthly cost per customer. As an example of sewer charge calculations utilizing sewer rate and the strength surcharge formula, assume the following with respect to Ajax Manufacturing Company: total monthly flow of 100,000 gallons; COD of 900 mg/l; BOD5 of 500 milligrams per liter; total suspended solids of 900 milligrams per liter; Prevailing monthly sewer rate is $1.52 per 1,000 gallons.
i. Sewer rate:
$1.52/1000 gallons (100,000 gallons/month) = $152/month
ii. Sewer surcharge calculation:
F1 = 0.41 (900-800) = 0.051
F2 = 0.15 (900-400) = 0.188
F = 0.051 + 0.188 = 0.239
iii. Total monthly charge (sewer rate plus surcharge):
$152/month + $152/month( 0.239) = $ 188.33
(Ord. No. 93-8, § 2, 5-18-93; Ord. No. 99-21, § 1, 8-3-99; Ord. 10-002, § 2, 1-19-10; Ord. No. 12-019, § 2, 12-4-12; Ord. No. 13-032, § 2, 11-9-13)
(a) A surcharge shall be applied over and above the standard sewer use fee when the wastes from any lot or parcel of land, upon which there is located any building or activity, contain B.O.D., C.O.D., ammonia, or suspended solids concentration higher than defined herein.
(b) The surcharge in dollars shall be computed by the formulas included in this subchapter established for the user charge and industrial cost recovery system. Computation of surcharges will be based on effluent analyses at a frequency determined by the user's water consumption as follows:
(1) Monthly effluent analyses for water usages at more than 100,000 gallons per month.
(2) Semi annual effluent analyses for water consumption less than 100,000 gallons per month.
Surcharges will remain in effect until a new effluent analysis is required or changed based on interim analyses by the user using a Certified Water Testing Laboratory at the user's expense.
Sewer surcharges will constitute a new line item on the prevailing water/sewer bill prepared monthly per user of the system and subject to prevailing regulations/penalties for late or nonpayments. Reimbursements of surcharge related monitoring expenses initiated by the City of Boynton Beach are required.
(c) Nothing in this chapter shall restrict the city from making additional adjustments in rates if it is found that the nature or quantity of the waste creates an additional burden on the system or if those adjustments are necessary to comply with regulations of the State Department of Environmental Protection or the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. No. 93-8, § 2, 5-18-93; Ord. No. 99-21, § 1, 8-3-99; Ord. No. 12-019, § 2, 12-4-12; Ord. No. 13-032, § 2, 11-9-13)
(a) At the discretion of the Director of the Public Utilities System, there is imposed upon all users of each industrially and commercially classified property served by the sewer system an annual cost recovery assessment.
(b) The annual cost recovery is as follows:
(1) SIU Industrial Permit Fee—$500 plus monitoring costs.
(2) Commercial/Industrial User Fee—$50 plus monitoring costs.
Permit fees, commercial/industrial user fees and related monitoring costs reimbursements must be paid within 30 days of permit issuance or receipt of monitoring cost recovery notice.
Commercial/industrial user fees will be billed as a new line item on the prevailing water/sewer bill prorated over a period of 12 months, but billed monthly; a monthly payment of $4.17 will be added to the prevailing water/sewer bill.
(c) SIU industrial permit fees and commercial/industrial user fees shall be prorated for existing permit holders and users upon enactment of this division.
(Ord. No. 93-8, § 2, 5-18-93; Ord. No. 99-21, § 1, 8-3-99; Ord. No. 12-019, § 2, 12-4-12; Ord. No. 13-032, § 2, 11-9-13)