(a) Whoever willfully and maliciously kills, strikes, maims or disfigures any dog, cat or other animal or willfully and maliciously administers poison to any such animal or exposes any poisonous substance with the intent that it shall be taken and swallowed by any animal shall be deemed in violation of this chapter. Any person using reasonable force in defending his animals, livestock or a human being from attack by another animal shall be excluded from the provisions of this section.
(b) A person who unnecessarily overloads, over drives, torments, deprives of necessary sustenance or shelter, or unnecessarily or cruelly beats, mutilates, or kills any animal, or causes the same to be done, or carries in or upon any vehicle, or otherwise, any animal in a cruel or inhumane manner, is in violation of this chapter.
(c) A person who tortures any animal with intent to inflict intense pain, serious physical injury, or death upon an animal is in violation of this Chapter.
(d) The animal control officer shall impound any animal found to have been cruelly treated, as defined in this section.
(e) Any person(s) who shall violate any provision of this section shall be assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $250.00 for the first offense, and $500.00 for any offense thereafter.
(f) This section providing for civil penalties for violation of the Code of Ordinances does not preclude the City of Boynton Beach from enforcing Sections 828.12(1) and 828.12(2), Florida Statutes through the State Attorney's Office.
(Ord. No. 97-47, § 2, 10-7-97)
State law reference-Statutory provisions, F.S. § 828.12.