(a) No person shall willfully interrupt or disturb the proceedings or meeting of the city commission or any city board.
(b) Only those individuals recognized by the presiding officer are authorized to speak to the commission or to a city board.
(1) All other speech, remarks, or comments are unauthorized.
(2) Unauthorized speech, remarks, comments, stamping of feet, whistles, yells and similar actions or demonstrations constitute an interruption to public meetings, and are prohibited.
(c) All persons attending any city meeting shall render inaudible any beepers, cellular telephones, or other mechanical or electronic devices while such meeting is in session.
(d) The presiding officer shall preserve strict order and decorum at all meetings.
(e) The chief of police or such member or members of the police department as the chief may designate shall be sergeant-at-arms at the regular and special meetings of the city commission or board. The sergeant-at-arms shall carry out orders and instructions given by the presiding officer or by a majority of the city commission or board present for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the city commission meetings.
(f) The city commission shall allow members of the public to address the commission regarding items not on the Commission agenda.
(1) The time for addressing the Commission with non-agenda comments shall be designated "Public Audience."
(2) The commission may, by order of the day, limit the time that members of the public may address the commission.
(3) If no orders of the day are established, the time limit for addressing the commission is three (3) minutes.
(g) The city commission may allow members of the public to address the commission on non-public hearing agenda items under such rules as are adopted from time to time by the commission by motion.
(h) The city commission shall allow members of the public to address the commission on public hearing agenda items under such rules as it adopts from time to time by motion.
(i) Any person who causes an interruption of the meeting shall be warned by the presiding officer that the conduct is interfering with the order of the meeting and shall be given the opportunity to cease the conduct that constitutes an interruption.
(1) If the individual fails to cease the offending conduct and continues interrupting the meeting, the individual shall be removed from the meeting room if the sergeant-at-arms is so directed by the presiding officer, and such person shall be barred from further audience for the remainder of the meeting.
(2) In case the presiding officer shall fail to act, any member of the city commission may move to require the presiding officer to act to enforce the rules, and the affirmative vote of the majority of the city commission or board shall require the presiding officer to act.
(j) Any person who, at a city commission or board meeting, willfully interrupts or disturbs a city commission or board meeting in violation of F.S. § 871.01, entitled "Disturbing Schools and Religious and Other Assemblies," is subject to arrest by those law enforcement officers present. No action by the presiding officer is required for a law enforcement officer to enforce F.S. § 871.01.