Editor's note-The boundaries of the city were described originally by Laws of Fla. 1947, Ch. 24398, § 6, as amended by Laws of Fla. 1955, Ch. 30588, § 1; Laws of Fla. Ch. 61-1888, § 1; and Laws of Fla. Ch. 68-81. Said 1968 act completely redescribed the boundaries. Further annexations have been made by the following ordinances:
Ord. No. | Date | Ord. No. | Date |
Ord. No. | Date | Ord. No. | Date |
62-7 | 6-4-62 | 72-17 | 6-20-72 |
62-8 | 6-4-62 | 72-20 | 8-1-72 |
62-15 | 9-17-62 | 72-21 | 8-15-72 |
63-37 | 1-6-64 | 72-27 | 11-7-72 |
64-4 | 3-2-64 | 73-44 | 11-6-73 |
64-5 | 3-2-64 | 74-9 | 4-16-74 |
65-17 | 5-17-65 | 74-31 | 9-17-74 |
65-18 | 5-17-65 | 74-34 | 10-1-74 |
65-21 | 6-1-65 | 75-6 | 3-4-75 |
65-35 | 8-16-65 | 76-10 | 4-23-76 |
69-8 | 4-7-69 | (Date recorded) | |
70-4 | 3-2-70 | 78-9 | 4-10-78 |
70-7 | 3-16-70 | (Date recorded) | |
70-25 | 9-29-70 | 78-14 | 4-18-78 |
72-16 | 6-20-72 | 78-39 | 9-19-78 |
78-40 | 9-19-78 | 88-11 | 4-5-88 |
79-11 | 4-3-79 | 88-27 | 8-16-88 |
79-17 | 8-7-79 | 88-48 | 12-6-88 |
80-9 | 7-15-80 | 88-49 | 12-6-88 |
81-29 | 9-15-81 | 88-50 | 12-6-88 |
82-14 | 7-6-82 | 89-10 | 6-20-89 |
82-26 | 10-6-82 | 89-14 | 6-20-89 |
82-27 | 10-6-82 | 89-25 | 10-3-89 |
82-32 | 10-6-82 | 89-35 | 10-17-89 |
82-33 | 10-6-82 | 89-42 | 12-5-89 |
82-34 | 10-6-82 | 89-44 | 12-5-89 |
82-35 | 10-6-82 | 90-25 | 9-5-90 |
82-38 | 11-16-82 | 90-61 | 12-18-90 |
82-39 | 11-16-82 | 90-62 | 12-18-90 |
82-40 | 11-16-82 | 90-63 | 12-18-90 |
82-49 | 11-16-82 | 90-64 | 12-18-90 |
83-2 | 3-15-83 | 91-56 | 8-20-91 |
83-46 | 1-17-84 | 92-14 | 6-2-92 |
83-49 | 1-3-84 | 92-61 | 1-5-93 |
83-52 | 1-3-84 | 93-11 | 6-1-93 |
84-3 | 2-21-84 | 93-40 | 12-7-93 |
84-15 | 4-3-84 | 93-43 | 12-7-93 |
84-24 | 7-3-84 | 93-46 | 12-7-93 |
84-55 | 1-5-85 | 93-49 | 12-7-93 |
85-15 | 3-5-85 | 93-55 | 12-7-93 |
86-7 | 6-3-86 | 93-59 | 12-7-93 |
86-18 | 9-3-86 | 93-62 | 12-7-93 |
86-19 | 9-3-86 | 93-65 | 12-7-93 |
86-20 | 9-3-86 | 93-68 | 12-7-93 |
86-21 | 9-3-86 | 94-32 | 10-18-94 |
86-22 | 9-3-86 | 94-35 | 10-18-94 |
86-40 | 12-16-86 | 94-41 | 10-18-94 |
86-41 | 12-16-86 | 94-44 | 10-18-94 |
87-44 | 12-15-87 | 94-53 | 1-3-95 |
87-45 | 12-15-87 | 95-17 | 6-6-95 |
95-11 | 6-6-95 | 95-14 | 6-20-95 |
98-19 | 7-7-98 | 98-27 | 7-21-98 |
04-055 | 8-3-04 | 04-080 | 11-3-04 |
04-082 | 11-3-04 | 04-085 | 10-19-04 |
05-008 | 5-17-05 | 05-039 | 8-2-05 |
05-056 | 10-5-05 | 06-001 | 1-17-06 |
06-004 | 1-17-06 | 06-016 | 3-21-06 |
06-029 | 4-18-06 | 06-030 | 4-18-06 |
06-033 | 5-2-06 | 06-051 | 7-5-06 |
06-054 | 7-5-06 | 06-081 | 10-17-06 |
06-089 | 12-5-06 | 06-093 | 1-16-07 |
07-038 | 1-15-08 | 10-022 | 10-5-10 |
R10-172 | 5-3-11 | 18-024 | 10-16-18 |
19-001 | 4-2-19 | 22-001 | 1-18-22 |
Inasmuch as the description formerly set out in section 6 was rendered obsolete by the above annexation ordinances, it has been omitted.
State law reference-Municipal annexation or contraction, F.S. Ch. 171.