The Traffic Commission shall promote improved safety within the city and review all traffic regulations made by the Safety Director. The Commission shall consist of nine members, namely: the Police Chief, or his or her designee when approved by the Mayor, the Fire Chief, or his or her designee when approved by the Mayor, the Street Superintendent, or his or her designee when approved by the Mayor, and six citizen members appointed by the Mayor to serve four-year terms. At least two of the six persons serving by appointment of the Mayor must reside on the east side of Main Street in the city. The Commission shall have the authority to overrule temporary traffic regulations made by the Safety Director.
(1980 Code, § 30.109) (Ord. 3073, passed 2-11-1974; Am. Ord. 3607, passed 6-6-1977; Am. Ord. 4864, passed 4-4-1988; Am. Ord. 5055, passed 8-7-1989; Am. Ord. 5789, passed 11-21-1994; Am. Ord. 6957, passed 5-6-2002; Am. Ord. 7459, passed 10-3-2005; Am. Ord. 7512, passed 1-3-2006)
   Traffic Commission, see §§ 70.55 through 70.59