(A) Compliance determination. Compliance determination with respect to §§ 52.015 through 52.023 may be made on the basis of either instantaneous grab samples or composite samples of wastewater. Composite samples may be taken over a 24-hour period or over a longer or shorter time span, as determined necessary by the Superintendent, to meet the needs of specific circumstances.
(B) Analysis of industrial wastewaters. Laboratory tests of industrial wastewater shall be performed in accordance with the procedures established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contained in 40 C.F.R. part 136, as amended.
(C) Sampling frequency. Sampling of industrial wastewater for the purpose of compliance determination with respect to §§ 52.015 through 52.023 will be done at such intervals as the Superintendent may designate. However, it is the intention of the Superintendent to conduct compliance sampling or to cause such sampling to be conducted for all major contributing industries at least once per year.
(Prior Code, § 3.1)