(A)   Proposed grading plan. A grading plan, prepared by a licensed engineer, and identifying the existing and proposed finished grades at contour intervals not exceeding two feet of the development site and adjoining property for a minimum of 100 feet outside all boundary lines of the development site.
   (B)   Drainage plan. A drainage plan, prepared by a licensed engineer, identifying all surface and subsurface drainage systems and facilities, walls, curbing or other erosion protection devices to be constructed in connection with or as part of the proposed work, together with a map showing the drainage area and estimated run-off of the area to be served by any drainage systems or facilities.
   (C)   Facilities plan.
      (1)   This plan, prepared by a licensed engineer, shall show any existing and proposed buildings or structures, easements, drainage channels and all proposed utilities with their location on the site.
      (2)   In addition, the location of any buildings or structures on adjacent property which may be affected by grading operations shall be shown.
   (D)   Soils report. A soils report, prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer and identifying the following:
      (1)   Slope stability analysis: conclusions and recommendations concerning the effects of material removal, introduction of water, ground shaking and erosion potentials;
      (2)   Foundation investigation: conclusions and recommendations concerning the effects of soil conditions on foundation and structural stability, including bearing capacity, shear strength and shrink-swell potential of soils on the site;
      (3)   The location and yield of springs and seeps on the site, evaluation of soil permeability for septic systems if proposed; and
      (4)   Conclusions and recommendations regarding means to increase safety during and after construction and means to minimize any adverse effects to the development of the site.
   (E)   Geology report. A geology report, prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer, identifying the following:
      (1)   Location and size of the subject area and its general setting, noting any wetlands, drainage areas, areas subject to high ground water, aquifers, shale units and poorly consolidated materials;
      (2)   The presence of any surface or subsurface hazards including potential for rock falls and toppling failures in cliffs, slopes and overhangs, and fault line; and
      (3)   Conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on the proposed development site and recommendations identifying the means proposed to minimize any hazard to life or property, or any adverse impact on the natural environment.
   (F)   Vegetation report. A vegetation plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, including a plan for the protection of any existing vegetation, any proposed re-vegetation of the site or modifications to existing vegetation and a plan for the preservation of existing vegetation during construction activities.
   (G)   Other reports.
      (1)   Other reports deemed necessary by the officer or body charged with the approval of a requested use to assure the health, safety and welfare of the project residents or public may be requested from the applicant by written specification.
      (2)   Such reports shall be submitted with the other applications materials.
(Ord. 46, passed 8-28-2001; Ord. 21D, passed 1-7-2004; Ord. 59, passed 5-8-2008, § 1206)