§ 153.202 SIGNS.
   (A)   Purpose. This section is provided to:
      (1)   Promote and protect the public health, safety and welfare by regulating the location and size of signs;
      (2)   Protect property values;
      (3)   Enhance and protect the physical appearance of the town;
      (4)   Preserve the scenic and natural beauty and rural atmosphere;
      (5)   Reduce sign clutter and advertising distractions and obstructions; and
      (6)   Reduce hazards while providing procedures to enable local businesses to provide advertising.
   (B)   Exemptions. The following signs shall be exempt from the requirements of this section:
      (1)   Residential identification signs. Provided such signs are not more than two square feet in area and with any display limited to street numbers, street name and the name of the resident(s) and provided such sign does not project beyond the property;
      (2)   Traffic warning and regulation signs. Signs for the purposes of traffic regulation and direction and the displayed message is solely for traffic regulation and directional information and is maintained by a public agency;
      (3)   Church and public organization signs. Provided such signs do not exceed eight square feet in area. Such signs may include the display of official notices used by any court or public body or official, or the posting of notices by any public officer;
      (4)   Window signs. Lighted window signs are limited to no more than two signs of a maximum of five square feet each with no flashing lights. All lighted window signs must be turned off at the end of business hours;
      (5)   Election signs. Signs not exceeding two feet by two feet and which conform to the Utah State Code for distance from any polling place, and which must be removed within one week following an election. No election signage shall be placed within, or on, any publicly owned land or right-of-way, and all election signs must be authorized by the property owner of the lands on which the election signage is placed;
      (6)   Real estate signs. Signs may be erected to advertise the sale, rent or lease of property upon which said signs are placed and shall not exceed four square feet in area. An additional directional sign
not to exceed two square feet is allowed on the nearest public road with the permission of the property owner when property for sale is not along a public road;
      (7)   Development promotional signs. One development promotional sign may be placed on the premises of a subdivision or other land development project with four or more lots or approved dwelling units. Said promotional sign may not exceed 16 square feet in area and shall be removed no later than 30 days following the sale of all lots or units; provided, no development promotional sign shall be maintained for a period not to exceed two years from the date of initial installation; and
      (8)   Directory signs. Where group occupancies in office buildings, commercial buildings or industrial buildings are permitted, directory signs may be erected displaying the names of occupants of a building who are engaged in a particular profession, business or industrial pursuit. Each listing shall be no larger than one square foot of sign area.
   (C)   Allowed signs. The following signs, as defined herein, are allowed in the town with the approval of the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator, as applicable:
      (1)   Free-standing signs;
      (2)   Building signs;
      (3)   Temporary signs; and
      (4)   Directional signs as allowed by division (E) below.
   (D)   Allowed sign standards. The following table identifies the sign standards and requirements for allowed signs as authorized herein:
Allowed Signs and Sign Standards
Sign Standards
Sign Type
Free-Standing Signs
Building Signs
Temporary Signs
Allowed Signs and Sign Standards
Sign Standards
Sign Type
Free-Standing Signs
Building Signs
Temporary Signs
Approval procedure
Conditional use approved by Planning Commission
Conditional use approved by Planning Commission
Approved as a temporary use by Zoning Administrator
Fire escapes
No sign shall be erected in such a manner to interfere with the use of any fire escape, exit, standpipe or obstruct any stairway, door, ventilator or window
No sign shall be erected in such a manner to interfere with the use of any fire escape, exit, standpipe or obstruct any stairway, door, ventilator or window
No sign shall be erected in such a manner to interfere with the use of any fire escape, exit, standpipe or obstruct any stairway, door, ventilator or window
All signs located so no part of the sign is within 2 feet of the property line and located so as to be outside any clear vision area
Signs must be located on an existing or approved building in which the business is or will be operating. The signs must be on a wall that is at least three times the area of the proposed sign
Shall not be attached to fences, trees, other natural features, utility poles and shall be located outside any clear vision area
Maximum duration
Allowed as a permanent sign, if continued as required by this chapter
Allowed as a permanent sign, if continued as required by this chapter
Not to exceed 120 days
Maximum height
10 feet
No portion of a building sign shall extend above the wall to which it is attached
8 feet
Maximum sign area
16 square feet
32 square feet
16 square feet
Number of allowed signs
1 sign per property entrance
2 per building
1 per site
Not applicable
Shall not exceed 12 inches (including all structural and other parts) from the wall
Not applicable
Sign lighting
All sign lighting must not cause a disturbance or distraction to surrounding properties or traffic and shall provide necessary shields, shrouds, lenses or other devices that concentrate the illumination only upon the sign to protect the night sky and minimize light trespass to adjoining properties
All sign lighting must not cause a disturbance or distraction to surrounding properties or traffic and shall provide necessary shields, shrouds, lenses or other devices that concentrate the illumination only upon the sign to protect the night sky and minimize light trespass to adjoining properties
Not allowed
Utility lines
No sign shall be erected with less horizontal or vertical clearance than required by the requirements of the utility owner or provider
No sign shall be erected with less horizontal or vertical clearance than required by the requirements of the utility owner or provider
No sign shall be erected with less horizontal or vertical clearance than required by the requirements of the utility owner or provider
   (E)   Directional sign. Notwithstanding division (D) above, one directional sign location may be allowed at each corner of the intersection of the town’s two major thoroughfares (i.e., Highway 12 and the Burr Trail), for the purposes of informing the public of sites and services off Highway 12, accessible from the Burr Trail, and meeting the following directional sign requirements.
      (1)   The total area of all directional signs allowed at each corner (directional sign location) shall not exceed 36 square feet.
      (2)   The co-location of directional signs may be allowed, provided the dimensions of each separate sign does not exceed five feet in length by16 inches in width and the total area of all signs does not exceed 36 square feet at one directional sign location.
      (3)   No portion of any co-located directional sign shall exceed 16 inches wide by five feet in length.
      (4)   All directional signs shall be complementary to other allowed signs at the location in material, color, size and style.
      (5)   The town’s Planning Commission must determine that each directional sign meets all applicable requirements of this chapter prior to being established.
      (6)   No business, service or other attraction may be listed on more than one directional sign and may not be listed on more than one co-located directional sign.
   (F)   Required approval procedures, application requirements for allowed signs.
      (1)   All permanent free-standing signs and building signs authorized by this chapter shall be considered a conditional use and shall be considered by the town’s Planning Commission, as required by §§ 153.150 through 153.156 of this chapter, unless the sign is a temporary sign, as provided herein.
      (2)   All applications for a free-standing sign or a building sign shall comply with the requirements for a conditional use permit, as applicable, and as required by §§ 153.150 through 153.156 of this chapter. A sign application shall be accompanied by the necessary application fee and a $10 refundable photograph deposit, as required by division (G) below.
      (3)   All temporary signs authorized by this chapter shall be considered a temporary use and shall be considered by the town’s Zoning Administrator.
      (4)   All applications for a conditional use permit or temporary use permit to establish a sign shall be accompanied by evidence of a valid business license, as required by the town, and as applicable.
   (G)   Sign design standards, photograph required.
      (1)   All signs allowed by this chapter shall be found to complement the architectural style and scale of the building and should be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and site to which it principally relates. As an architectural element, the sign should reflect the period of architecture and be in harmony with building character and use.
      (2)   Upon the installation of all free-standing and building signs, the owner shall provide to the town a photograph of the sign, of a size and quality sufficient to identify the size, design and color of the installed sign. Upon receipt of the sign photograph, the town shall refund the photograph deposit to the applicant. If a sign photograph is not provided to the town within 30 days of the installation of the sign, the town is authorized to take and have provided a sign photograph, with the photograph deposit being forfeited by the applicant and used by the town to defray costs incurred to provide a sign photograph.
   (H)   Non-conforming signs. All signs which have been made nonconforming by the adoption of this chapter are subject to the provisions of §§ 153.255 through 153.273 of this chapter.
   (I)   Maintenance of signs. No sign shall be erected or altered, except as provided by this chapter. All signs shall be in a safe well-maintained condition and shall be free from any hazards, including, but not limited to, faulty wiring and loose fastenings, and shall not represent a nuisance or pose threat to the public health, welfare and safety.
   (J)   Sign condition and unsafe signs.
      (1)   All signs, supporting structures or portion thereof approved, installed and located on any lands within the boundaries of the town shall continue to be maintained in a safe condition and in accordance with all requirements and conditions of approval and all other requirements of applicable town ordinances and requirements.
      (2)   Any sign, supporting structure or portion thereof declared unsafe by the Town Council shall be restored to a safe condition or removed by the owner within 30 days following notice provided by the Town Council.
   (K)   Abandonment. Any sign that ceases to be used for the purposes for which it is permitted for a period of one year shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall be removed by the owner within 30 days following notice provided by the Town Council.
   (L)   Acquisition of interests. The town may acquire title to signs by gift, purchase agreement, exchange or eminent domain, and shall have the right to amortize nonconforming signs as permitted by state or federal law.
   (M)   Prohibited signs. The following signs, as defined herein, shall be prohibited within the municipal boundaries of the town:
      (1)   All off-premises signs, including all billboards, but excluding directional signs as provided by division (E) above;
      (2)   All animated signs and wind signs;
      (3)   Roof signs;
      (4)   Canopy (marquee) signs;
      (5)   Back-lighted signs;
      (6)   Neon signs;
      (7)   All signs that emit sound or other emissions; and
      (8)   All moveable signs, including signs mounted or painted upon vehicles or trailers which are more or less permanently parked in any location for the sole purpose of calling attention to or advertising a business.
(Ord. 46, passed 8-28-2001; Ord. 21D, passed 1-7-2004; Ord. 59, passed 5-8-2008, § 1018; Ord. 59A, passed - -2012; Ord. 59B, passed - -2012; Ord. 59A, passed - -2014)