(A)   After approval of a preliminary development plan by the Village Council, the applicant shall submit the following information as a final development plan to the Village Administrator. The submittal shall consist of an original plus seven copies of all required documents.
   (B)   Each submittal shall be signed by the owner, attesting to the truth and exactness of all information supplied on the submittal for the final development plan. Each submittal shall clearly state that the approval shall expire and be revoked if construction on the project has not begun within one year from the date of issuance of the approval. At a minimum, the submittal shall contain the following information:
      (1)   A survey of the proposed development site, showing the dimensions and bearings of the property lines, area in acres, topography, and existing features of the development site, including major wooded areas, structures, streets, easements, utility lines, and land uses;
      (2)   All the information required on the preliminary development plan, the location and sizes of lots, location and proposed density of dwelling units, non-residential building intensity, and land uses considered suitable for adjacent properties;
      (3)   A schedule for the development of units to be constructed in progression, and a description of the design principles for buildings and streetscapes, a tabulation of the number of acres in the proposed project for various uses, the number of housing units proposed by type, estimated residential population by type of housing, estimated non-residential population by type of housing, anticipated construction timing for each unit, and standards for height, open space, building density, parking areas, population density, and public improvements, whenever the applicant proposes any exception from standard zoning districts requirements or other ordinances governing development;
      (4)   A fee as established by this Zoning Code (see § 153.242);
      (5)   Preliminary building plans;
      (6)   Any legal agreements stipulating conveyance of public open space to homeowners’ or merchants’ association and indicating responsibility for maintenance of the open space;
      (7)   Any restrictive covenants or other conditions which shall apply to any parcel of land in the PUD;
      (8)   All necessary legal documentation relating to the incorporation of a homeowners’ or merchants’ association for the purpose of maintaining any common open space included within the PUD;
      (9)   Final plat for necessary lot creation and right-of-way or easement dedication, if necessary;
      (10)   Necessary engineer’s estimates and performance surety for any public improvements that will eventually be taken over by the village;
      (11)   All surveying and legal documents to be recorded shall meet county standards;
      (12)   Site plan and supporting maps indicating the following:
         (a)   Survey of land area to be developed showing topography with existing and proposed contours at one-foot intervals, drainage, vegetation and natural cover; and
         (b)   Detailed construction plans in conformance with the village design criteria and construction standards and drawings along with necessary specifications shall at a minimum consist of the following items:
            1.   The location of lot lines, building outlines and setbacks;
            2.   Pedestrian and vehicular circulation system;
            3.   Street plans including plan and profile and cross-sections;
            4.   All utility systems, including sanitary sewers; storm sewers; and water, electric, gas, and telephone lines, including plan and profiles;
            5.   Landscaping indicating the specific types of vegetation to be used and their location in the development;
            6.   Location of fire hydrants and fire lanes;
            7.   Any additional information in the form of written documents, plans and supporting maps required by the Planning Commission and Village Council in consideration of the application;
            8.   Storm water management plan, including detention and erosion control; and
            9.   Grading plan.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)