Accessory structures/buildings/uses
Appeal of administrative design
Commercial remodeling/additions
Conditional use
Fences (commercial/industrial)
Fences (residential)
Industrial remodeling/additions
Miscellaneous (swimming pools, utility sheds, parking and the like)
New commercial construction (including site plan review)
New industrial construction (including site plan review)
Planned unit development review
Residential additions/remodeling
Residential new construction
Signs (36 - 60 square feet)
90 per square foot
Signs (60+ square feet)
$1.14 per square foot
Signs (less than 36 square feet)
66 per square foot
Subdivisions (preliminary and final plats)
   First acre or fractional part thereof
   Each additional acre or fractional part thereof
Zoning map amendment (rezoning)
Zoning text amendment
All fees shall be paid by cash or check and shall not be refundable
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002; Ord. 10-14, passed 6-22-2010)