If a property has outstanding violations, recent approvals, or a pending application on the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code, the following shall apply:
   (a)   Violations Outstanding: Any violation of the previous versions of this Planning and Zoning Code shall continue to be a violation and shall be subject to the penalties and enforcement set forth in section 1143.99, unless the use development, construction, or other activity complies with the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code.
   (b)   Nonconforming Use: Any nonconforming use under previous versions of this Planning and Zoning Code shall continue to be a nonconforming use, as long as such nonconforming use under previous versions continues to exist, and shall be governed by Chapter 1173.
   (c)   Pending Applications:
      (1)   Any applications submitted or accepted for approval that have not received a final approval from the appropriate decision-making body prior to the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code, shall be reviewed under the provisions and regulations in effect on the date in which the application was deemed complete by the Village.
      (2)   All re-applications shall meet the standard in effect at the time of re-application.
      (3)   Any applicant with a pending application may waive review under previous regulation and may request review under the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code through a written letter to the authority having jurisdiction in this Village.
   (d)   Approved Projects:
      (1)   All approved preliminary plans, improvement plans, final plats, planned developments, variances, conditional uses, zoning permits, or any other approved land use that are valid on the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code shall remain valid until the expiration date, where applicable.
      (2)   A building or development for which a permit or certificate was granted or allotted prior to the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code shall be permitted to proceed to construction even if such building or development does not conform to the provisions of this Planning and Zoning Code.
      (3)   If construction or development, for which permit or certificate is issued prior to the effective date of this Planning and Zoning Code, is not commenced or completed in compliance with applicable permit or certificate terms, the permit or certificate shall expire, and future building or development shall be subject to the requirements of this Planning and Zoning Code. (Ord. 2017-7-15. Passed 9-12-17.)