1141.01   Interpretation of terms.
1141.02   Accessory building or use.
1141.03   Agriculture.
1141.04   Alley.
1141.05   Basement.
1141.06   Basement house.
1141.07   Bed and breakfast establishments.
1141.08   Building.
1141.09   Building area.
1141.10   Building height.
1141.11   Building line.
1141.12   Cellar.
1141.13   District.
1141.14   Dwelling.
1141.15   Dwelling, single-family.
1141.16   Dwelling, two-family.
1141.17   Family.
1141.18   Frontage.
1141.19   Garage, private.
1141.20   Garage repair shop.
1141.21   Vehicle service station.
1141.22   Grade.
1141.23   Home occupation.
1141.24   Hotel.
1141.25   Lodging house .
1141.26   Lot.
1141.27   Lot, corner.
1141.28   Lot depth.
1141.29   Lot, double frontage.
1141.30   Lot, interior.
1141.31   Lot of record.
1141.32   Motel.
1141.33   Nonconforming use.
1141.34   Public notice of a hearing.
1141.35   Roadside stand.
1141.36   Stables, private.
1141.37   Story.
1141.38   Story, half.
1141.39   Street.
1141.40   Street lines.
1141.41   Structure.
1141.42   Structural alterations.
1141.43   Tobacco and vapor lounge.
1141.44   Tourist home.
1141.45   Trailer or cabin camps.
1141.46   Yard.
1141.47   Yard, front.
1141.48   Yard, rear.
1141.49   Yard, side.
1141.50   Zoning Ordinance.
1141.51   Truck stops.
General Code definitions - see ADM. Ch. 101