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177.13 FINAL PLAT.
   1.   Application for Final Plat Approval. Following the approval of the preliminary plat in the case of a minor subdivision, or of the preliminary plat and final construction plans in the case of a major subdivision, the developer, if he or she wishes to proceed with the subdivision, shall file, upon the form provided, an application for final plat approval with the Development Director for submission to the City Council. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as specified in Section 177.16. The application shall contain the following information and documentation:
      A.   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner of the land and the developer, if other than the owner.
      B.   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all professional consultants advising the developer with respect to the subdivision.
      C.   The certificate of approved name of the subdivision.
      D.   A copy of any protective covenants or deed restrictions affecting the subdivision.
      E.   The performance guarantee, if required, as described in Section 177.12. If the required improvements have been completed in lieu of a performance guarantee, then a certificate signed by the City Engineer approving the installation of any required improvements.
      F.   Copies of the final plat of the following types and sizes, all of which shall bear the original signatures on the required certificates.
         1   Two blackline/blueline print copies of the final plat, at a size of not less than 18² x 24².
         2   A digital copy in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file format.
      G.   A statement from the mortgage holders or lienholders, if any, as required by Section 354.11, Code of Iowa, as amended.
      H.   An opinion by an attorney-at-law, as required by Section 354.11, Code of Iowa, as amended.
      I.   A certificate to be signed by the County Treasurer, as required by Section 354.11, Code of Iowa, as amended.
      J.   Such other and further information as the City Council may deem necessary or appropriate to a full and proper consideration and disposition of the particular application.
      K.   A statement by the person preparing the application attesting to the truth and correctness of all information and documentation presented with the application.
   2.   Contents of the Final Plat. The final plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor at a convenient scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet. The final plat shall show the following:
      A.   The approved name of the subdivision.
      B.   The date of the document, approximate true north arrow and the scale of the plat. The scale shall be clearly stated and graphically illustrated by a bar scale on each plat sheet.
      C.   The names and addresses of the owner of the land, the developer, if other than the owner, and the engineering firm or surveying firm that prepared the final plat.
      D.   The location by section, township, range, City and state and including descriptive boundaries of the subdivision, based on accurate traverse, giving annular and linear dimensions which must mathematically close.
      E.   The exact location and layout of lots, public or private streets with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet, interior angles, length and radii, arcs and intermediate tangents of all curves, and with all other information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground.
      F.   The location of all existing and new streets within the subdivision.
      G.   The names and width of all existing and new streets within the subdivision.
      H.   The lot number and area of each lot within the subdivision. The data on the area of each lot may be shown in a table format on the plat page on which said lot is drawn.
      I.   The location of all easements shall be denoted by fine dashed lines, clearly identified, and if already on record, the recorded reference of such easement. If an easement is not definitely located on record, a statement of such easement shall be included. The width of the easements, with sufficient ties to locate it definitely with respect to the subdivision must be shown. If the easement is being dedicated by the final plat, it shall be properly referenced in the owner’s certification of identification.
      J.   The recorded reference of any protective covenants or deed restrictions affecting the subdivision shall be shown as a notation on the final plat.
      K.   A statement by the proprietors and their spouse, if any, as required by Chapter 354.11, Code of Iowa, as amended.
      L.   Subdivisions within the 2-mile limit: a statement by the property owner, to be attached to the abstract, indicating that any portion of the subdivision may be annexed by the City of Boone and that this statement shall serve as notification of acceptance that approval of this subdivision is contingent upon agreement to future annexation.
      M.   A certificate signed by a registered land surveyor, as required by Chapter 355, Code of Iowa.
      N.   A certificate to be signed by the Development Director approving the final plat with respect to compliance with the requirements of the City Zoning Ordinance.
      O.   A certificate to be signed by the City Engineer approving the final plat with respect to public improvements, if any.
      P.   A certificate for approval of the City Council to be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.
   3.   Application Acceptance. The application shall be considered as officially filed after it has been examined by the Development Director and found to contain the information and documentation essential for proper review. Lack of complete information and documentation shall be deemed cause for refusal of official filing. The Development Director will establish deadlines for submittal. All submittals must meet those established deadlines.
   4.   Review of Final Plat. The Development Director shall transmit copies of the final plat to the City Engineer. Copies of the Development Director’s comments and recommendations, as well as those of the City Engineer, shall be submitted to the City Council.
   5.   Public Meeting by City Council. The City Council shall consider the proposed final plat at a public meeting. Notice of the public meeting shall be given as specified in Chapter 21, Code of Iowa, as amended.
   6.   City Council Action. The City Council shall, within 60 days from the date of application acceptance for final plat approval, either disapprove the final plat or shall, by resolution, approve the final plat and accept the dedication of all streets, easements, parks and other public grounds for public use. Adoption of a resolution shall require an affirmative vote of at least a majority of those voting.
   7.   Record of Approval. Any resolution adopted by the City Council approving a final plat shall be given an official resolution number and shall be spread in the minutes of proceedings of the City Council.
      A.   The Development Director shall notify, in writing, the developer of the City Council’s decision.
      B.   If the final plat is approved by the City Council, the Development Director, after having retained one blackline/ blueline print copy shall return all other originals to the developer, who shall retain one print copy and distribute the others as follows:
         (1)   One print copy, at a size of not less than 18² x 24², to the City Engineer.
         (2)   One print copy, at a size of not less than 18² x 24², to the County Recorder, to be recorded in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 354, Code of Iowa.
         (3)   A digital version of the final plat in a format compatible with CAD or ESRI products with a datum of State Plane Coordinates - NAD 83 North (feet).
   8.   Recording Final Plat. Approval of the final plat by the City Council shall be null and void if the final plat is not recorded with the County Recorder within 90 days after the date of approval, unless an extension is requested by the developer within that time and granted by the City Council.
   9.   Failure to Construct Required Improvements. In the event a developer has posted a performance guarantee in lieu of actual construction of required improvements, the City Council may, 30 days prior to the expiration of the performance guarantee, review the development of the subdivision and may direct the City Engineer to proceed to execute the performance guarantee in order to assure that the required improvements are completed.