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   1.   Required Improvements. Upon City Council approval of a preliminary plat and prior to application for final plat approval, the developer shall:
      A.   Construct and install the required improvements; or
      B.   Post a performance guarantee for the total cost of the improvements; or
      C.   Construct and install a portion of the improvements and post a performance guarantee for the remainder of the improvements not completed.
   2.   Submission of the Final Construction Plans. The developer shall have a registered engineer prepare the final construction plans for the proposed required improvements containing the data and information specified in paragraph B of this subsection. Four blackline/blueline print copies of such plans shall be certified by a registered engineer, and shall be submitted to the City Engineer in the following manner. The plans shall be accompanied by a fee as specified in Section 177.16.
      A.   In the event the developer chooses to construct and install the required improvements, as specified in subsection 1 of this section, said final constructions plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer at least 60 calendar days prior to the date when the construction will commence.
      B.   In the event the developer chooses to post a performance guarantee for the total cost of the required improvements, as specified in §(1)(B) of this section, said final construction plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer at least 60 calendar days prior to the date when the final plat is submitted for approval. Said final construction plans, upon submittal to the City Engineer, shall be accompanied by a detailed engineering estimate of cost for all improvements, estimated and certified by the developer’s registered engineer. These estimates will be utilized by the City Engineer for review and determination of the amount of the performance guarantee. The amount of the performance guarantee shall not be less than the estimated cost of the improvements and the amount of the estimate must be approved by the City Engineer.
      C.   In the event the developer chooses to construct and install a portion of the required improvements and post a performance guarantee for the remainder of the improvements not completed, as specified in §(1)(C) above, said final construction plans shall be submitted to the City Engineer at least 60 calendar days prior to the date when the construction will commence. At the time of the submittal of the plans, the developer shall notify the City Engineer of his/her intent to post a performance guarantee for remaining improvements and shall submit the cost estimates for the remaining portion, as specified in paragraph B above.
      D.   In the event one year has lapsed since the issuance of the performance guarantee and construction of the required improvements has not been completed, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to resubmit the detailed engineering estimates of cost and a new performance guarantee as required in §(1)(B) above.
   3.   Contents of Final Construction Plans. The final construction plans for required lot or public improvements shall contain the following data and information.
      A.   Plans, details, specifications and cost estimates for street and sidewalk construction, profiles indicating existing topography and elevation, curb and sidewalk elevations, intersection control elevations, and paving geometrics for each street with a typical cross section. The profiles of grade lines shall be shown to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet horizontal, and one inch equals 10 feet vertical. This information shall be shown on standard plan and profile sheets unless otherwise required by the City Engineer.
      B.   Plans, profiles, details, specifications and cost estimates of proposed storm drainage improvements.
      C.   Plans, profiles, details, specifications and cost estimates of proposed water distribution systems, water supply facilities and water hydrants, if any.
      D.   Plans, profiles, details, specifications and cost estimates of proposed sanitary sewer.
      E.   Grading plans for all lots and other sites within the subdivision, including details and specifications for soil erosion and sedimentation control.
      F.   When unusual site conditions exists, the City Engineer may require such additional plans, specifications and drawings as may be necessary for an adequate review of the improvements to be installed.
      G.   All plans shall be based on U.S.G.S. datum for vertical control, where feasible; where U.S.G.S. datum is not feasible, a datum plan may be assumed provided it is monumented with a minimum of three permanent benchmarks for vertical control.
      H.   All plans for underground utilities shall be prepared by or at the direction of the utility company involved.
   4.   Review of Final Construction. The City Engineer shall transmit a copy of the final construction plans to the Development Director for review and comments. The City Engineer shall review the final construction plans in order to determine whether such plans are consistent with the approved preliminary plat and comply with the design standards and specifications described in Section 177.14. If such plans are consistent and do comply, the City Engineer shall submit a notice to the Development Director that they so conform and comply, and shall return one signed copy of the approved final construction plans to the developer. In the event that such plans do not conform and comply, the City Engineer shall notify the developer of the specific manner in which plans do not conform or comply, and the developer may then correct such plans. If such plans are not corrected, the City Engineer shall transmit a notice to the Development Director as to the items of nonconformity or noncompliance.
   5.   Construction of Improvements. No improvements shall be constructed nor shall any work preliminary thereto be done until such time as the final construction plans shall have been approved by the City Engineer.
   6.   Inspection. It is the responsibility of the developer to oversee the construction operations of the required improvements to assure that the work performed is in accordance with the final construction plans. Therefore the developer shall provide:
      A.   Construction inspection reports submitted by a qualified inspector are required.
      B.   Quality control testing shall be performed by the developer and the results submitted to the City Engineer.
   7.   RESERVED.
   8.   Final Inspection. Upon completion of all improvements within the area covered by the final plat, the developer shall notify the City Engineer, who shall thereupon conduct a final inspection of all improvements installed. If such final inspection indicates that there are any defects or deficiencies in any such improvements as installed, or if there are any deviations in such improvements as installed from the final construction plans, the City Engineer shall notify, in writing, the developer of such defects, deficiencies or deviations and the developer shall, at his sole cost and expense, correct such defects, deficiencies or deviations within six months of the date of notification. When such defects, deficiencies or deviations have been corrected, the developer shall again notify the City Engineer that the improvements are again ready for final inspection.
   9.   Acceptance of Improvements. Prior to acceptance of the required improvements by the City Engineer, the developer shall provide:
      A.   A certification by the developer’s registered engineer that the work was completed in accordance with plans and specifications and meets all applicable City standards.
      B.   One set of “as-built” plans two blackline/blueline print copies will be required to be submitted to the City Engineer prior to approval of the completed construction of the required improvements.
      C.   A digital version of the “as-built” plans in a format compatible with CAD or ESRI products with a datum of State Plane Coordinates - NAD 83 North (feet).
   10.   Report to City Council. If a final inspection indicates that all improvements as installed contain no defects, deficiencies or deviations, the City Engineer shall certify to the City Council that all improvements have been installed in conformity with the final construction plans. The receipt of such notification by the City Council shall constitute the date on which the two-year period specified in §177.12(11) shall commence.
   11.   Maintenance Bond. The developer shall warrant the design, materials and workmanship of all required improvements, installations and construction for a period of three years from and after completion. Such warranty shall be by a bond or other acceptable collateral, which shall assure the expedient repair or replacement of defective improvements under warranty and shall indemnify the City from all costs or losses resulting from or contributed to such defective improvements.