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   1.   Application for Preliminary Plat Approval. An application for preliminary plat approval shall be filed, upon the form provided, with the Development Director for submission to the Commission. The application shall be accompanied by a fee, as specified in Section 177.16. The application shall contain the following information and documentation:
      A.   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner of the land and the developer, if other than the owner.
      B.   The names, addresses and telephone numbers of all professional consultants advising the developer with respect to the proposed subdivision.
      C.   The three proposed names of the subdivision, in order of preference, for approval by the County Auditor.
      D.   The street address or general location and legal description of the subject property.
      E.   The present and proposed zoning district classification of the subject property.
      F.   The existing and proposed uses of the subject property.
      G.   A statement of any protective covenants or deed restrictions, in outline form, which are proposed to be recorded with the final plat.
      H.   A statement of proposed method of water supply, sanitary sewage treatment and disposal of storm waters from the subject property.
      I.   A statement of the manner in which it is proposed to finance improvements.
      J.   A statement of the general nature and type of improvements proposed for the subdivision, and in what manner the developer intends to provide for their installation, (e.g., actual construction, monetary guarantee, etc.). The approximate time that such improvements will be completed shall be indicated.
      K.   Two blackline/blueline print copies of the preliminary plat as described in §177.11(2), along with a digital copy in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) file format.
      L.   Two blackline/blueline print copies of the plans showing the typical cross sections and centerline profiles, with approximate grades, of all proposed public or private streets.
      M.   A statement by the person or persons preparing the application attesting to the truth and correctness of all information and documentation presented with the application.
   2.   Contents of the Preliminary Plat. The preliminary plat shall be prepared by a registered engineer or registered land surveyor at a convenient scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet; provided, however, those areas of more than 100 acres may be at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet or other allowable scales as allowed by the Director. The preliminary plat shall show the following:
      A.   The approved name or three proposed names, in order of preference, for approval by the Development Director, of the proposed subdivision and an identification clearly stating that the document is a preliminary plat.
      B.   The date of the document, approximate true north point and the scale of the document.
      C.   The names and addresses of the owner of the land, the developer, if other than the owner, and the registered engineer and/or registered land surveyor who prepared the preliminary plat.
      D.   A description of the subject property, giving the location and dimensions of all boundary lines to be expressed in feet and decimals of a foot, with reference to section or quarter section lines.
      E.   The following existing conditions shall be shown on the preliminary plat:
         (1)   The location, right-of-way width, surfacing width and names of all existing streets and easements of access, railroad right-of-ways, drainage ditch easements, and utility easements within the subdivision and within 200 feet thereof.
         (2)   The location of any existing permanent buildings within the proposed subdivision and existing buildings in projected alignment of any proposed public or private streets outside of the proposed subdivision and within 200 feet thereof.
         (3)   The location of pertinent features such as water bodies, wetlands, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees, rock outcroppings, parks, cemeteries, bridges and other permanent structures.
         (4)   The location of all existing drainage district tile, sanitary and storm sewers, culverts, water mains, gas lines and other underground installations within or immediately adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
         (5)   The location of water courses, drainage ditches and areas subject to flooding. Proposed subdivisions located within areas subject to flooding shall include a line depicting the boundary of 100-year flood as shown in the City of Boone, Iowa, Flood Plain Study prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
         (6)   For areas affected by construction or proposed building sites, contour lines or spot elevations related to some established benchmark by the City and having the following intervals, for major subdivisions and minor subdivisions:
            a.   two-foot contour intervals;
            b.   spot elevations where the ground is too flat for contours.
         (7)   The location, elevation and descriptions of the bench mark controlling the survey.
      F.   The following information with respect to the manner in which the subject property is to be developed shall be included on the preliminary plat:
         (1)   The location, dimensions, identification number and lot area of all proposed lots.
         (2)   The location, right-of-way width, surfacing width and names of all proposed public streets.
         (3)   The location, width and purpose of all proposed easements, including well, drainage, and septic corridors if applicable.
         (4)   The location and type of all proposed utilities.
         (5)   The location, dimensions and area of all property proposed to be set aside for park or playground use, or other public or private reservation, with designation of the purpose thereof, and conditions, if any, of the dedication or reservation.
         (6)   The location and width of all proposed building setback lines.
         (7)   Indication of the use of all proposed lots, if other than single-family dwellings.
         (8)   A vicinity map adequately covering the area within one-half mile radius of the proposed subdivision, at a scale of not less than one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the relation of the plat to the surrounding properties, streets, parks, schools and major commercial or industrial developments, and the boundary of the drainage area affecting the plat.
   3.   Application Acceptance. The application shall be considered as officially filed after it has been examined by the Development Director and found to contain the information and documentation essential for proper review. Lack of complete information and documentation shall be deemed cause for refusal of official filing. The Development Director will establish deadlines for submittal. All submittals must meet those established deadlines.
   4.   Distribution of Preliminary Plat. The Development Director shall transmit copies of the preliminary plat to the City Engineer, Public Works Director, Fire Chief and Police Chief, and such other official body or agency as may be deemed necessary by the Development Director. In addition to a copy of the preliminary plat, two copies of the typical cross sections of the streets shall be transmitted to the City Engineer.
   5.   Review of Preliminary Plat. Comments and recommendations shall be filed with the Development Director as soon as practical, but normally within five working days. The Development Director may request a staff review meeting. Copies of the Development Director’s comments and recommendations as well as those of the responding individuals and agencies shall be submitted to the Commission.
   6.   National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The preliminary plat shall not be approved unless it includes a copy of an approved NPDES Permit issued by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for a parcel involving disturbing of one or more acres or more during construction activity.
   7.   Commission Recommendation. After reviewing the preliminary plat and documents, the Commission shall transmit to the City Council its written recommendation. The Commission may recommend that the preliminary plat be approved; or it may recommend that the preliminary plat be approved with specified conditions; or it may recommend that the preliminary plat be disapproved. Exception: Minor subdivision preliminary plats shall proceed directly to City Council.
   8.   City Council Action. The City Council shall consider the Commission’s recommendation and shall either disapprove the preliminary plat; shall refer it back to the Commission for further consideration of specified matters; or shall, by resolution, approve the preliminary plat, with or without specified conditions to be accepted by the developer as a condition of such approval. Adoption of such a resolution shall require an affirmative vote of at least a majority of those voting.
   9.   Record of Approval. Any resolution adopted by the City Council approving a preliminary plat shall be given an official resolution number and shall be published in the minutes of proceedings of the City Council. Following City Council action, the Development Director shall notify, in writing, the developer of the City Council’s decision.
   10.   Effect of Approval of Preliminary Plat: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not constitute final acceptance of the subdivision by the City Council, but shall signify merely the general acceptability of the proposed subdivision. Such approval shall be deemed to be authorization to proceed with the preparation of the final construction plans and the final plat.
   11.   Effective Period of Preliminary Plat Approval. Within one year from the day the City Council approves a preliminary plat, the developer shall apply for final plat approval, or the first part thereof if phased. If the developer fails to apply for final plat approval within the appropriate time period, the preliminary plat shall be void unless the developer requests an extension of time prior to the date originally required for submission of the final plat.
   12.   Extension of Time Limitations. The City Council may grant an extension of time of not more than two years from the date required for submission of a final plat. A developer may apply only once for an extension of time. If the City Council refuses to grant an extension of time, the developer shall apply for approval of the final plat, to the City Council within the appropriate time originally required or 60 days from the day the extension request is denied by the City Council.