A.   Sections 12-411 and 12-412 of this chapter contain general density and dimension standards for the various zones and limitations specific to a particular zone. The minimum setbacks shall apply to all structures, as defined in section 12-819 of this title, except as otherwise noted. Additional rules, exceptions and methodologies are set forth in the remainder of this chapter.
   B.   The density and dimension tables are arranged in a matrix format on two (2) separate tables and are delineated into two (2) zoning district groupings for ease of use:
      1.   Forestry, agricultural/forestry, rural.
      2.   Suburban, commercial, industrial, rural service center, recreation, alpine village.
   C.   Development standards are listed down the left side of both matrices, and the zones are listed at the top. The matrix cells contain the minimum dimensional requirements of the zone. A blank box indicates that there are no specific requirements related to the applicable standard. Specific requirements or exceptions associated with particular standards are identified by numbers in parentheses. Such requirements or exceptions are listed below the table. Requirements or exceptions listed in the "standard" column (far left column in each table) shall apply to the standard in each zoning district referenced in the table. (Ord. 501, 11-18-2008)