7-2-3: FINDINGS:
The City finds trees are important elements of the environment which promote and protect public health, safety and general welfare of the community by providing:
   A.   Aesthetics: A vital contribution to the aesthetic character of the community and the region's natural beauty;
   B.   Protection: Cost effective protection against severe weather conditions with cooling effects in the summer months and insulating effects in winter;
   C.   Property Values: Economic support of local property values;
   D.   Air, Water Quality: Improved air and water quality with the absorption of pollutants, assimilation of carbon dioxide and generation of oxygen, and the reduction of excessive noise and adverse impacts caused by noise pollution;
   E.   Reduction Of Adverse Impacts: A reduction of the adverse impacts of land disturbing activities, such as runoff from impervious surfaces, soil erosion, land instability and sedimentation pollution; and
   F.   Wildlife: Habitat, cover, food supply and corridors for a diversity of wildlife. (1952 Code § 9-16-03)