4001 GENERAL. This chapter shall apply to new and existing childcare facilities including Family Childcare Homes, Group Childcare Homes and Childcare Centers. All other maintenance and construction provisions of this code for general or specific occupancies or hazards shall also apply.
   4002 EXISTING FACILITIES. Childcare facilities legally approved, and in existence prior to adoption of this code, shall comply with the code under which they were approved. Maintenance provisions of this chapter shall apply to existing facilities. Facilities that cease to operate for a period of six (6) months or more, and are seeking a new license, shall be considered a new childcare facility.
   4003 LICENSE AND INSPECTION. Each premise shall be inspected as often as is deemed necessary by the fire code official or the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall inspect, or cause to be inspected, all Family or Group Childcare Homes before granting a license to operate. The fire code official shall inspect, or shall cause to have inspected, all other Childcare facilities before the City Clerk grants a license to operate.
   4004 LOCATION OF FACILITIES. Facilities or portions of facilities located on a story below the level of exit discharge shall have at least two (2) exits which must open directly to the exterior, one (1) of which shall exit directly from the basement to the exterior. Facilities shall not be located more than one (1) story below ground level. Facilities or portions of facilities located on a story above the level of exit discharge shall have at least two (2) exits which must open directly to the exterior and shall be protected with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
   4005 EXITS. Exits in childcare facilities shall comply with the International Fire Code.
      4005.1 Sliding Door. In Family Childcare Homes and Group Childcare Homes, a sliding door is acceptable as a second exit provided there is also a primary entry/exit door meeting the International Residential Code requirements for dwellings.
   4006 SAFETY. Childcare facilities shall meet all of the following safety requirements.
      4006.1 Closet Doors. Every closet door latch shall be such that children can open the door from inside the closet.
      4006.2 Bathroom Doors. Every bathroom door lock shall permit opening of the locked door from outside in the event of an emergency. The opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff.
      4006.3 Receptacle Covers. All electrical outlets not in immediate use shall be provided with receptacle covers or approved safety devices.
      4006.4 Flashlights. Childcare facilities, with an occupant load of less than 50, shall have at least one (1) flashlight immediately available for each member of the staff.
      4006.5 Portable Fire Extinguishers. A minimum of one (1) 2A-10BC portable fire extinguisher shall be provided on each floor of childcare facilities. Travel distance to portable fire extinguishers shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet.
   4007 SMOKE ALARMS. Smoke alarms shall be installed in the following locations:
      1.   On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of sleeping rooms.
      2.   In each room used for sleeping, lounging or recreation purposes.
      3.   In each story within a dwelling unit, including basements but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics.
      4.   At the top and bottom of the stairways and at no greater spacing than 30 feet on center throughout the corridors of all floors.
      Exception: A childcare Facility not provided with sleeping facilities that only provides care for children more than six (6) years of age.
      4007.1 Power Source. In new facilities, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the building wiring, where such wiring is served from a commercial source, and shall be equipped with a battery backup.
   4008 TESTING AND MAINTENANCE. Operators of childcare facilities shall maintain, in working order, all fire and life safety equipment, systems, and facilities. Inspection, testing and maintenance shall be performed in accordance with this section and other provisions of this code.
      4008.1 Monthly. The following items shall be completed monthly:
         1.   Manual fire alarm system test;
         2.   Testing of all smoke alarms;
         3.   Visual inspection of all portable fire extinguishers;
         4.   Testing all emergency lighting and flashlights for proper operation.
      4008.2 Biannual. The following items shall be completed every six (6) months:
         1.   Replace the batteries of all battery powered smoke alarms with new batteries;
         2.   Replace the batteries in all flashlights with new batteries.
      4008.3 Records. A record of all required inspections, tests and repairs shall be kept on the premises and be made available at the time of license inspection.
(Ord. 48-20, 12-8-2020, eff. 1-1-2021)