304.1.2 Vegetation. Weeds, grass, vines or other growth that is capable of being ignited and endangering property, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the premises. When weeds, grass, vines or other growth are over 12 inches in height and is determined by the fire code official to be a fire hazard, the owner or owner's representative shall be notified of the hazard by certified mail or in person. Upon failure, neglect, or refusal of any owner or owner's representative to abate the hazard within the period specified, the fire code official is hereby authorized and empowered to cause abatement or cleanup. The City may recover the cost of abatement or cleanup as allowed under Idaho State Code 50-1008 as a lien upon the property or as a city tax for costs incurred in the abatement or cleanup.
      304.1.2.1 Erosion Control. Vegetation should be trimmed to not less than 6 inches in height on sloped terrain to maintain slope stability for erosion control.
      304.1.2.1 Wildland-Urban Interface Areas. Vegetation clearance requirements in wildland-urban interface areas shall be in accordance with Chapter 41 of this code.
(Ord. 48-20, 12-8-2020, eff. 1-1-2021)