It shall be unlawful for any person to:
   A.   Move or remove any monument erected for the purpose of designating any point in the boundary of any lot, tract or parcel of land, or move, remove, deface, mar or destroy any other type of monument, surveyor's stake or stone erected or placed for the purpose of designating any point in the boundary of any lot, tract or parcel of land.
   B.   Tamper with, injure, deface, destroy or remove any sign, milepost or guidepost erected upon, within or adjacent to any street, alley or public way, or any notice, marker, fire alarm box, fire hydrant or any work of art, landmark or historic structure, or any other personal property, erected, placed or maintained and operated by lawful authority.
   C.   Without written consent, move, cut, break, mutilate or otherwise injure, damage or interfere with any street, sidewalk, curb, culvert, drain, waterway, embankment, ditch, retaining wall, bridge, grade separation structure, or roadside improvement appurtenant to or on the right-of-way of any street, alley or public way, or cut, mar, disfigure, break, mutilate or remove, or otherwise injure or damage any tree, plant, shrub, ornamental plant or other useful or ornamental improvements upon the right-of-way of any street, alley or public way where the same have been landscaped or beautified by the City or with the approval and consent of lawful authority. For the purposes of this subsection, the terms "street", "alley" and "public way" shall be construed to include the entire right-of-way of such street, alley or public way.
   D.   Cut down, remove, destroy, mar, disfigure or uproot any flowering or ornamental tree, shrub, perennial or annual plant in any park.
   E.   Obstruct, encroach, injure or damage any public road, street, sidewalk, alley or public way, or ride or drive horses, cattle or motor vehicles upon a sidewalk.
   F.   Run, or cause to run, suffer, permit or allow any water used for the purpose of irrigation, or for any other purpose, to flow into, across or upon any public highway, road, street, alley or public way in any other manner than that authorized by law.
   G.   Take or divert water from any canal, ditch, flume or reservoir used for the purpose of holding or conveying water for beneficial uses and purposes or without authority, raise, lower, open, close, change or otherwise disturb or interfere with any gate, headgate, water box, weir or valve, or measuring or regulating device or other appurtenances used for the control or measurement of water, or empty or place, or cause to be emptied or placed, into any canal, ditch, flume or reservoir, any rubbish, trash, garbage or other substances and matter obstructing the free flow of water.
   H.   Waste water for irrigation, or any waters of any stream, the waters of which are used for irrigation, or divert the same for an unnecessary use or purpose, or allow such water to waste so that the same cannot be used for a beneficial use or purpose. (1952 Code § 6-17-02)