A.   Parks, wildlife habitat, and open space are vital to the quality of life of children, adults, and seniors in Boise. As the City's population grows, the importance of parks and open space for Boise residents also grows.
   B.   Studies show that parks and open space promote public health by providing places to walk and exercise, thus, increasing physical activity and reducing stress.
   C.   Preservation of Boise's unique natural heritage not only protects the quality of life of all Boise residents, but it also promotes tourism. Boise's parks are, therefore, important to the economic development and stability of businesses and their employees alike.
   D.   Given the importance of parks and open spaces to the physical and mental well-being of Boiseans and of the economy of the City, the disposal, sale, or change in use of parks and open space should be done only with care and with the consultation of the City's electorate. (Ord. 4-23, 1-24-2023)