A.   Violations: The City Clerk may suspend or revoke any permit issued pursuant to this chapter for a violation by the applicant or permittee, or by any officer, employee, agent or contractor of the applicant or permittee, or by any person who is under the applicant's or permittee's legal control, of any:
      1.   Provision of this chapter; or
      2.   Condition of the permit; or
      3.   Federal, State or local law or ordinance.
   B.   Material False Representation: The City Clerk may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this chapter upon determining that the applicant made a material false representation in an application submitted pursuant to this chapter.
   C.   Consultation With SET: In determining whether or not to suspend or revoke a permit, the City Clerk may consult with members of the SET.
   D.   Notice: Notice of suspension or revocation shall be deemed properly served if sent by United States Postal Service regular mail to the address provided by the applicant, or if hand served upon the applicant. An applicant's failure to accept, acknowledge or receive notification shall not invalidate the suspension or revocation, provided notice was properly served.
   E.   Included Provisions In Notice: Notice of suspension or revocation shall include the grounds upon which the suspension or revocation is based, and shall include a statement that informs the applicant of the right of appeal. (Ord. 10-14, 3-25-2014)