For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and derivations shall have the meanings given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory. Words used throughout this chapter, but not defined herein or in chapter 1, article A of this title, shall have their plain, ordinary and common meaning. Words in any gender shall apply to the feminine, masculine and neuter genders.
APPLICANT: The person making application for a permit to conduct a special event within Boise City. As used herein, the terms "applicant", "presenter", "promoter" and "sponsor" may be used interchangeably.
CHIEF: The Chief of the Boise City Police Department, or his/her designee, or the Chief of the Boise City Fire Department, or his/her designee, as applicable or indicated.
COMMUNICATION PLAN: The applicant's proposed strategy to communicate with residents, businesses and neighborhood association representatives in areas that may be affected by vehicle or pedestrian traffic, loud or continuous noise, or other effects that may be caused by, or incidental to, a planned special event.
EXTRAORDINARY RESOURCES: Government public health and/or safety personnel, equipment or other resources for traffic control, emergency medical services, fire suppression, erection of barriers and essential maintenance of public facilities which would not, in the absence of the special event, be deployed, scheduled, used, made available or staged. The resources in question are those over and above what would be required on a regular basis but for the planned special event with one thousand (1,000) or more participants.
INCIDENT ACTION PLAN: The applicant's proposed strategies for managing and responding to unplanned incidents that occur during the planned special event and to reduce the loss of life and property should an unplanned incident occur. An incident action plan may be developed in cooperation with the Boise City Police Department, the Boise City Fire Department and other public safety agencies, and may include an overall incident strategy, a plan for tactical action and a communication element.
PARK: Any and all lands, buildings, reserves, sports complexes, swimming pools, golf courses, trails and other special places, including the Boise River Greenbelt, which are owned, operated or maintained by Boise City. Parks are delineated generally in the publication known as the Department of Parks and Recreation Map and/or specifically in the inventory of park properties at the Office of the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation.
PARK EVENT: Any special event that occurs in whole or in part within a Boise City park or parks. All park events are subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Parks and Recreation and applicable City ordinances. Examples of park events may include sports tournaments, Art in the Park or any other special event or gathering within a park or a portion of a park.
PERMIT: A written document authorizing a particular use of, or on, public property or on private property as provided in this chapter. As the term is used in this chapter, a permit is obtained from the City Clerk, the Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Police Chief, another Boise City department, or another designated governmental authority with permit jurisdiction.
PERSON: Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or any organization of any kind.
PLANNED SPECIAL EVENT: Any single gathering, special event or series of gatherings or special events for which planning reasonably could have occurred within the time frames required by this chapter. Examples of a planned special event include, but are not limited to, an outdoor concert, a parade, the Hyde Park Street Fair, Art in the Park, a festival (such as Jaialdi), a block party, any of a number of sporting events (such as a marathon, bike race or running event), or other organized activity conducted for a common or collective use or purpose. A planned special event does not include a spontaneous special event, as that phrase is defined in this section.
PLAZA: Includes the Boise City Hall Plaza on Capitol Boulevard, the Grove Plaza and any other public property on which people traditionally or historically gather. Plazas are included in the definition of "sidewalk", as defined in this section.
PROJECTED ATTENDANCE: The estimated number of persons who will, are reasonably likely to, or are expected to attend, participate in, observe or spectate at a special event.
PUBLIC PROPERTY: Property owned by, operated by, leased to, or managed or maintained by Boise City, the Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC), the Ada County Highway District (ACHD) or the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD).
SECURITY PLAN: An applicant's written proposal for maintaining public safety at a planned special event.
SIDEWALK: Any publicly owned area or way, whether or not it is paved or improved, set aside for, or open to, the general public for purposes of pedestrian or bicycle traffic, or for public gatherings, and not intended for motor vehicle use. This definition of "sidewalk" shall include plazas, as defined in this section.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT: A permit issued by the SET to conduct a special event upon public or private property within Boise City.
SPECIAL EVENT PERMITTEE OR PERMITTEE: A person in possession of a valid Boise City permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
SPECIAL EVENTS TEAM OR SET: The committee delegated responsibility to review each application for a special events permit. The SET consists of a Boise City employee appointed by the Mayor as the SET Chair and at least one representative from each of the following departments, divisions or agencies: Parks and Recreation, Public Works, City Clerk's Office, Police, Fire, All Hazards Incident Management Team, Planning and Development Services, Arts and History, Parking Services, Risk Management, Central District Health Department, Ada County Highway District, Capital City Development Corporation, Downtown Boise Association, Ada County Emergency Medical Services, Boise State University, Ada County Sheriff's Office and other advisory members appointed by the Mayor.
SPONTANEOUS SPECIAL EVENT: An unplanned special event that occurs at the spur of the moment, or that occurs in reaction to an international, national, state, regional or local issue. A spontaneous special event is one that, even with the exercise of due diligence, cannot reasonably be planned or anticipated in compliance with the deadlines of this chapter.
STREET: Any place or way set aside or open to the public for purposes of motor vehicle traffic, including any berm or shoulder, right-of-way or median strip, but excluding those areas that fall within the definition of a sidewalk, as defined in this section.
STREET EVENT: Any planned special event, whether moving or stationary, upon a street, which will impede vehicular traffic. The streets impacted by a street event will likely be subject to closure, traffic interruption or other traffic related restrictions to ensure public safety and the safety of the participants of the street event. Examples of a street event include a block party, a street dance, any races involving walking, running or bicycling, a march, a parade or procession, or any other similar special event occurring on a street.
TRANSPORTATION PLAN: The applicant's proposed strategy to accommodate the movement of people to, from, within and around a planned special event with as little impact on other vehicle and pedestrian traffic as possible.
TRASH AND RECYCLING PLAN: The applicant's proposed strategy for the collection of trash and recyclable materials during a planned special event for the purposes of maximizing recycling, reducing trash and protecting public property and resources. (Ord. 10-14, 3-25-2014; amd. 2019 Code)