A.   Denial; Conditions: The Police Department may deny a request for license under this chapter, or suspend or revoke a previously issued license upon notice of a failure to meet, maintain or follow all qualifications, regulations and requirements of this chapter and, in addition, for the following reasons:
      1.   Making of any false statement in the application for license or license renewal, or in a hearing regarding the license.
      2.   Allowing anyone to conduct nonconsent tows pursuant to the license who does not qualify under this chapter, or who violates any provisions of this chapter while operating pursuant to the license.
      3.   Use of the license in a manner contrary to the terms of this chapter or in violation of any City ordinance, State law, regulation or statute.
      4.   Three (3) or more previous violations of the provisions of this chapter.
   B.   Request For Hearing: Upon notice of a denial, suspension or revocation of a license under this chapter, the licensee or applicant may request a hearing. Such request must be in writing and mailed to the Police Department Impound Unit no later than ten (10) days from receipt of the notice of denial, suspension or revocation.
   C.   Hearing Examiner: Upon receipt of the request for hearing, the Police Department shall appoint a hearing examiner to take testimony and other evidence, and issue a finding as to whether there is good cause for the denial, suspension or revocation of the license. Such finding shall be in writing and submitted to the Deputy Chief of the Operations Support Bureau of the Police Department.
   D.   Appeal To City Council: If the denial, suspension or revocation is upheld by the hearing examiner, the applicant/licensee may appeal the decision to the City Council by sending written notice to the Police Department Impound Unit within ten (10) days of receipt of the findings of the hearing examiner.
   E.   City Council Hearing: The Police Department shall be responsible for noticing a hearing before the Council by which objection to the hearing examiner's findings can be made. The Council may hear argument but shall not take additional evidence. The Council may adopt the findings of the hearing examiner or may issue an amended finding.
   F.   Appeal To District Court: The decision of the Council shall be final and conclusive. Appeal of the decision of the Council may be made by filing a complaint with the District Court for Ada County within ten (10) days of the Council decision. (1952 Code § 10-23-02.5)