A.   Findings: The City Council finds as follows:
      1.   Taxicabs provide an essential component of the transportation options available to citizens of, and visitors to, the City.
      2.   Taxicabs are operated by private companies or individuals and utilize public streets, roads and other rights-of-way in providing their services.
      3.   It is important to protect the public health, safety and welfare without restraining, burdening or overregulating the taxicab industry.
      4.   The protection of the public health, safety and welfare shall be paramount in the enforcement and interpretation of taxicab regulations.
   B.   Intent: To achieve those goals, it is the City Council's intent, by enacting this article, to ensure:
      1.   That taxicabs provide a safe means of transportation.
      2.   Taxicab drivers are trustworthy and competent to carry out their duties in a safe and efficient manner.
      3.   Taxicab owners carry adequate liability insurance on their taxicabs. (1952 Code § 5-24-01; amd. 2019 Code)