A.   Records Inspection: Upon request of the Chief of Police or designee, the pawnbroker or anyone acting on behalf of the pawnbroker shall produce any records required to be kept pursuant to this chapter and shall permit the Chief of Police or designee to examine them. Any such inspection shall occur during the pawnshop's regular and usual business hours. (1952 Code § 5-16-04.01)
   B.   Details Of Transactions: It shall be the duty of every pawnbroker to maintain in his place of business a permanent electronic record of the complete description of all transactions and of all parties entering into transactions regulated by this chapter. This record shall include all voided and deleted transactions. The pawnbroker or the pawnbroker's designee shall require a person's photo identification issued by a governmental agency before conducting a transaction with that same person. The following information must be included in the required records:
      1.   Name, address, telephone number and store number of the pawnshop in which the transaction took place; and the name of the employee conducting the transaction;
      2.   Full name, complete current residential address, current phone number, date of birth, race, sex, height, weight, hair and eye color of the person or persons with whom the transaction is made;
      3.   Type, including State or governmental agency, of issue, and identifying number of the personal photo identification used by the person with whom the transaction is made;
      4.   Nature and date of the transaction and an identification number for the transaction;
      5.   Complete description of the property purchased, pledged, traded or cosigned, including, as applicable: brand name, make, model, serial number and owner applied number or other identifying marks. Jewelry shall be described with the type, weight, color, number and description of stones, style, size or length, any engraving, and whether it is considered a man's, woman's or child's piece. CDs, DVDs, videos, tapes, records, etc., shall be described with any owner identification marks and the category of movie or music to which it belongs. The title and artist should also be documented if practicable. Vehicles shall be described with the VIN, make, model and color. Firearms shall be described with the make, brand, model number, serial number, caliber, type, barrel length and finish. (1952 Code § 5-16-04.02)
   C.   Transaction Document: Every transaction shall be memorialized in writing and signed by the person with whom the transaction is made. This transaction document shall include a digitalized photo or thumbprint of the person with whom the transaction is made, along with the date of the transaction, the term of the loan or repurchase period, and the date on which the loan is due and payable or the repurchase option expires. All parties to the transaction are entitled to receive a copy of this document, and the original shall remain on file at the pawnshop for a minimum of one year. (1952 Code § 5-16-04.03)
   D.   Records Transmittal: All records described in this chapter shall be electronically stored in addition to paper records. These electronic records shall be transmitted by twelve o'clock (12:00) noon the next business day to the Police Department in a method and fashion approved by the Chief of Police or his designee. (1952 Code § 5-16-04.04)
   E.   Records Retention: All records described in this chapter shall be retained by the pawnbroker at the licensed pawnshop for a minimum of one year; except that records pertaining to firearms transactions shall be kept for a minimum of twenty (20) years pursuant to Federal regulations. (1952 Code § 5-16-04.05)