The City shall monitor and disclose to the public each childcare facility's compliance with regards to physical activity, screen time, nutrition menus and infant feeding standards as defined in this chapter. All records as required by this chapter shall be available for inspection by any member of the public. The healthy initiatives established by this chapter shall not be required for licensure by the City.
   A.   Physical Activity:
      1.   A child over the age of one year should receive a minimum of twenty (20) minutes of indoor or outdoor daily physical activity, weather permitting, every three (3) hours between the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) P.M.:
         a.   Unless child is unable to participate in physical activity due to illness or disability; or
         b.   The child is not awake.
      2.   A daily time record showing blocks of time assigned to types of physical activity for each age group of children shall be maintained.
   B.   Screen Time:
      1.   A daily limitation on sedentary, noneducational screen time (media and computer) of no more than one hour per day or five (5) hours per calendar week during the childcare facility's hours of operation.
      2.   A daily time record for each age group of children showing the minutes that any screens are on shall be maintained, including, but not limited to, televisions, computers, tablet devices, cell phones, video game systems or any other media device.
      3.   Screen time shall be deemed sedentary and noneducational unless the owner has maintained a contemporaneous record documenting the specific educational objectives of the screen time and as approved by the Licensing Officer.
      4.   Use of screen time for a child's homework assignments or for a child with healthcare needs who require assistive and adaptive computer technology shall not be deemed sedentary and noneducational.
   C.   Nutrition Menus:
      1.   A menu which meets the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns for infants and children. Facilities not providing meals or snacks are exempt from this requirement.
      2.   A weekly menu record shall be maintained of all meals and snacks provided by the facility. Records are not required if meals and snacks are not provided by the facility or if the facility is participating in one of the following meal programs:
         a.   Nutrition Works;
         b.   State Department of Education; or
         c.   Under the Umbrella.
      3.   Exemptions will be provided for medical purposes or religious beliefs in accordance with a written request from the child's parents, guardians or medical provider. Written requests about food shall be kept on site in the child's file.
   D.   Infant Feeding:
      1.   A private, designated location, other than a restroom, for breastfeeding shall be provided at childcare facilities.
      2.   The area shall be maintained in a sanitary condition, with access to an electrical outlet, chair and near running water.
   E.   Exemptions: All childcare facilities which hold one of the following accreditations are exempt from Healthy Initiative training and Healthy Initiative inspection requirements:
      1.   National Association for the Education of Young Children;
      2.   National Association for Family Childcare; or
      3.   Authorized Montessori schools accreditation as defined in subsection 3-6-12D4 of this chapter. (2019 Code)